Joined: 21st Apr 2021
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The Disease Maps Project is designed as a large-scale community effort. It is a network of groups that work together in order to better understand disease mechanisms. The project exchanges best practices, share information, develop tools to make it easier for all the involved groups to achieve their goals.
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Web page:
Here we share resources and best practices to develop a disease map for COVID-19. The project is progressing as a broad community-driven effort. We aim to establish a knowledge repository on virus-host interaction mechanisms specific to the SARS-CoV-2. The COVID-19 Disease Map is an assembly of molecular interaction diagrams established based on literature evidence.
Programme: Disease Maps
Public web page:
We performed topological analysis on pathways from a harmonised dataset containing pathways from the COVID-19 Disease Map, WikiPathways, and Reactome. The analysis was done using Vanted, SBGN-ED, and LMME which support the import and export of several standard formats (such as SBML, and SBGN-ML).
Submitter: Felicia Burtscher
Studies: Topological analysis of individual pathway networks and aggregated netwo...
Assays: No Assays
Snapshots: No snapshots
To allow detailed visual analysis of the overall system and its parts, we used a customised version of our Vanted add-on LMME (Large Metabolic Model Explorer) to construct an overview graph showing one node per pathway and the respective interconnecting species. We performed a comprehensive analysis of node centralities on two levels: on the level of the individual pathways as well as on the level of an aggregated network which is composed of the individual pathways. This allows detailed ...
Submitter: Felicia Burtscher
Investigation: Graphical exploration and topological analysis
Assays: No Assays
Snapshots: No snapshots