
What is an Assay?
4 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 4

Prepared multimeric tubulin protein receptors for docking studies, generated by alignment of two identical models of alpha-tubulin on alpha-tubulin chains of two neighboring protofilaments.

Docking results of trifluraline and dinitroaniline-etherphospholipid hybrids against different kinetoplastid alpha-tubulin receptors with an induced fit docking routine. The docking protocol involves an initial crude ligand placement step, subsequent receptor optimization in response to ligand binding, and another docking step into the optimized receptor.

Creation of homology models of various tubulins from dinitroaniline-sensitive and -resistant species, and a comparative analysis of their electrostatic potential grids overall and in putative binding site regions using PIPSA (Protein Interaction Property Similarity Analysis).

Alignments of various alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin sequences from dinitroaniline-sensitive and dinitroaniline-resistant species. Sequences were retrieved from UniProt with the identifiers listed below and subjected to a multiple sequence alignment using ClustalOmega (; ClustalOmega webserver, last accessed 16-02-23):


  • [dinitroaniline sensitive] T. cruzi - Q27352; T. brucei brucei - Q4GYY5; L. infantum - ...
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