Before running the code, please install eulerpi (via pip install eulerpi).

The .zip file contains 5 individual python files and a Data folder that includes all data used for inference. Three of the files are named * and can be used to reproduce the plots of our article for one respective example model. To this end, the files contain several function definitions and an executable part at the end. The * files can be executed and produce (Sub-)Figures that are saved in the Figures folder. The Applications folder contains the inference results as .csv files.

Two of the files rely on models imported from the eulerpi python package. In addition, the two files ending in * specify additional models we used to produce the images. We employ those for the heat diffusion equation model and to also produce simulation results for validation data in the COVID_19 model. For the annual average temperature model, also the data acquisition through the meteostat python package is implemented within Each of the files is individually commented.

The temperature example can be exectued within 3 minutes of runtime. The other examples take less than 3 hours on a laptop.


1 item is associated with this Model:
  • (Zip file - 4.77 MB) Download

Organism: Not specified

Model type: Not specified

Model format: Not specified

Execution or visualisation environment: Not specified

DOI: 10.15490/fairdomhub.1.model.856.2

Model image: No image specified

help Creators and Submitter
Wagner, V. (2024). Eulerian Parameter Inference Code. FAIRDOMHub.

Views: 366   Downloads: 21

Created: 21st Dec 2023 at 10:41

Last updated: 1st Mar 2024 at 11:48

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Version History

Version 2 (latest) Created 1st Mar 2024 at 11:48 by Vincent Wagner

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Version 1 (earliest) Created 21st Dec 2023 at 10:41 by Vincent Wagner

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