
What is an Assay?
4 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 12

RNA timeseries data for Arabidopsis Col wild-type plants and clock mutants, as separate mean and SD files. The raw data is available on, and is linked as 'Attribution' from elsewhere on FAIRDOMHub.

The starting models are included here in their original forms, the P2011 model as an SBML L3V1 model file, and the KF2014 model of Fogelmark et al. shared as SBML; both prepared by Uriel Urquiza.

P2011.1.2 written in Antimony and converted in SBML using python package Tellurium. Parameters values correspond to P2011.1.2

Collection of clock models that rescale transcript variables to account for absolute units. The relationship between models is summarised in the attached 'model evolution' document and in more detail in the linked publications (preprint version linked in the Snapshot; publication Urquiza and Millar, In Silico Plants 2021 did not have a DOI when Snapshot was created).

Each model is presented three times,

    • without a light:dark cycle,
    • with an ISSF (Adams et al. JBR 2012) that is set up for ...

This section contains the links to the tools used for reproducing the computational results presented in U2019. This is required because SloppyCell is under the risk of becoming rotting code. Using Docker we can assure some persistence for the computational environment that allows to run SloppyCell.

The associated git repository can be found in which can be cloned.

The docker image can either be pulled from the docker hub site

docker pull ...

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