Data files

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12 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 12

Data curation notes provided by Alex Graf via Willi Gruissem, in addition to the PRIDE deposition.

The Excel file gives the list of samples uploaded into PRIDE. here -

The published experimental design might lead one to expect 4x3x2x7 = 168 samples. There are more than 168 samples in the PRIDE upload for the following reasons:

First, all of the measurements from the experiment had been uploaded, including files for measurements that were repeated because of ...

This Excel file lists the samples uploaded in PRIDE. The table “Table Sorted PP and Replicates” in the Excel file has all the relevant annotation.

There are more than the expected 168 samples in the PRIDE upload for the following reasons:

First, all of the measurements from the experiment had been uploaded, including files for measurements that were repeated because of problems during the MS run. These samples are not annotated in the table. Second, we had included 4 Gold Standard samples (2 ...

Microarray data at end of day (ED) and end of night (EN) in 4, 6, 8, 12, and 18h photoperiods.

Results of the statistical analysis, identifying proteins that change in abundance significantly across photoperiods.

Proteomics data for N15 incorporation into protein in Ostreococcus grown in 12L:12D light:dark cycles.

Quantitative proteomic analysis of Cyanothece ATCC51142 grown in 12L:12D light:dark cycles, using partial metabolic labeling and LC-MS analysis.

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