
What is a Project?
7 Projects found

Exploiting native endowments by re-factoring, re-programming and implementing novel control loops in Pseudomonas putida for bespoke biocatalysis. The EmPowerPutida project aims to engineer the lifestyle of Pseudomonas putida to generate a tailored, re-factored chassis for the production of so far non-accessible biological compounds. Pseudomonas putida is a bacterium with a highly versatile metabolism, including the capability to degrade or produce organic chemicals.

Translating Systems Virology data into broad-spectrum antiviral Drugs

Programme: ERASysAPP

Public web page: Not specified

Systems Biology studies the properties and phenotypes that emerge from the interaction of biomolecules where such properties are not obvious from those of the individual molecules. By connecting fields such as genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, mathematics, cell biology, genetics, mathematics, engineering and computer sciences, Systems Biology enables discovery of yet unknown principles underlying the functioning of living cells. At the same time, testable and predictive models of complex ...

Programme: Independent Projects

Public web page:

EU FP7 collaborative project TiMet, award number 245143. Funded 2010-2015. "TiMet assembles world leaders in experimental and theoretical plant systems biology to advance understanding of the regulatory interactions between the circadian clock and plant metabolism, and their emergent effects on whole-plant growth and productivity."

Designer microbial communities for fermented milk products: A Systems Biology Approach

Programme: ERASysAPP

Public web page: Not specified

Systems biology of bacterial methylotrophy for biotechnological

No description specified

Programme: ERASysAPP

Public web page: Not specified

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