FAIRDOM PALS and users meeting 2019

FAIRDOM PALS and users meeting 2019 is happening in Heidelberg, as a satellite meeting of the COMBINE (COmputational Modeling in BIology Network) meeting. FAIRDOM is a research infrastructure offering data management support. The SEEK software is designed as registry and storage place for data, models, biological samples, processes, publications and presentations, and at the same time as yellow pages for projects, people and events. SEEK is implemented as central data management platform FAIRDOMhub (https://www.fairdomhub.org). In this meeting, FAIRDOM team will present project's current status and future plans, high-profile users of FAIRDOM software will share their data management practices. Finally, we will hold informal discussions and breakouts where the audience, and their needs will define what we discuss. Detailed agenda https://fair-dom.org/events/fairdom-pals-users-meeting-2019/ You will have direct contact with the FAIRDOM Community and Tech Team, who can give you personalised advice on your data and model management, and using FAIRDOM. The meeting welcomes everybody whether you are a PhD student or a Professor, a current FARIDOM user or just curious about data and model management.

SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/events/191

Projects: FAIRDOM

Olga Krebs

18th Jul 2019 at 11:33

19th Jul 2019 at 11:33


Studio Villa Bosch, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, 69118 Heidelberg



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