Data files
What is a Data file?Filters
Creator: Pål A. Olsvik
Submitter: Marta Eide
Biometrics of IVN fish exposed to chlorpyrifos-methyl
Creators: Karina Dale, Pål A. Olsvik
Submitter: Karina Dale
Information connecting RNA seq fastq-files to corresponding fish ID/exposure regime
Creators: Karina Dale, Pål A. Olsvik
Submitter: Karina Dale
The four treatment groups were Control (0 mg CPM/kg, with DMSO), 0.5 mg CPM/kg, 4.2 mg CPM/kg and 23.2 mg CPM/kg. Each treatment group consisted of 9 fish. These fish were sampled from 3 different tanks per treatment, with n=9 per treatment. A total of 36 samples were sequenced. For each sample, about 50 million 150 bp paired-end reads were generated.
Creator: Pål A. Olsvik
Submitter: Marta Eide