Application of the LoRAS oversampling approach on single-cell/single-nuclei data to annotate/identify specific cell populations in new data based on previously, manually curated data.
Submitter: Markus Wolfien
Biological problem addressed: Annotation
Investigation: 1 hidden item
Study: 1 hidden item
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Data and Jupyter notebooks for our analysis on ..., Data and Jupyter notebooks for our analysis on ..., R script for scSynO usage of the Allen Brain At..., R script to generate the preprocessing input fo..., Unix script for the kallisto bustools processin...
Data files: Schematic overview of sc-SynO, sc-SynO use case 1: cardiac glial cell identifi..., sc-SynO use case 2: proliferative cardiomyocyte...
Snapshots: No snapshots