
What is a Project?
2 Projects found

INBioPharm - Integrated Novel Natural Product Discovery and Production Platform for Accelerated Biopharmaceutical Innovation from Microbial Biodiversity project will develop a new, generic technology platform for the more efficient discovery of novel bioactive compounds with improved prospects to become medical products. A unique national collection of marine microorganisms at SINTEF/NTNU will be used as the basis for the development of different new, complementary molecular biology, analytical ...

There is an urgent need for novel antibiotics to fight life-threatening infections and to counteract the increasing problem of propagating antibiotic resistance. Recently, new molecular genetic and biochemical tools have provided insight into the enormous unexploited genetic pool of environmental microbial biodiversity for new antibiotic compounds. New tools for more efficiently lifting this hidden treasure are needed to strengthen competitiveness of European industry, as well as for a cost-saving ...

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