
What is a Presentation?
4 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 4

An overview over important lessons from the experience with SBML Level 3 extension for the MultiCellML language.

Creator: Matthias König

Submitter: Matthias König

PAL report during COMBINE2019 SEEK user meeting. A short overview of the SEEK API and using it to upload caffeine data and images.

The code is available from

Creator: Matthias König

Submitter: Matthias König

Report about PAL experience and data management solutions in MM-PLF LiSyM.

Creator: Matthias König

Submitter: Matthias König

Our group develops computational models of the liver within the German systems biology projects VLN (Virtual Liver Network) and LiSyM (Systems Medicine of the Liver). In this talk we present our experiences in data and model management in recent years and future directions towards reproducible computational research we plan to implement.

We give an overview over the role of Fairdom and SEEK within our data management solution and how this integrates with and complements other approaches such as ...

Creator: Matthias König

Submitter: Matthias König

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