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ERA CoBioTech is an ERA-Net Cofund Action under H2020, which aims to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in the field of Biotechnology through enhanced cooperation and coordination of different national and regional research programs, promoting systems biology and synthetic biology as technology driversto speed up research and innovation in industrial biotechnology.
› By maximizing synergies between current mechanisms of biotechnology research funding in Europe; › By fostering the exchange ...
Projects: Sustainable co-production, BESTER, Rhodolive, HOTSOLUTE, TRALAMINOL, C1Pro, Cell4Chem
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Sustainable co-production is the short form of the research project “Tobacco as sustainable production platform of the natural biopolymer cyanophycin as co-product to oil and protein”. It combines plant and industrial biotechnology to increase the value of commercially grown tobacco with products that can sustainably substitute fossil raw materials. We aim to establish a new economically feasible production system for the biopolymer cyanophycin (CGP) as a by-product of tobacco without relevant ...
Programme: Era CoBioTech
Public web page: Not specified
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Authors: Mark D. Wilkinson, Michel Dumontier, IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Gabrielle Appleton, Myles Axton, Arie Baak, Niklas Blomberg, Jan-Willem Boiten, Luiz Bonino da Silva Santos, Philip E. Bourne, Jildau Bouwman, Anthony J. Brookes, Tim Clark, Mercè Crosas, Ingrid Dillo, Olivier Dumon, Scott Edmunds, Chris T. Evelo, Richard Finkers, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Alasdair J.G. Gray, Paul Groth, Carole Goble, Jeffrey S. Grethe, Jaap Heringa, Peter A.C ’t Hoen, Rob Hooft, Tobias Kuhn, Ruben Kok, Joost Kok, Scott J. Lusher, Maryann E. Martone, Albert Mons, Abel L. Packer, Bengt Persson, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Marco Roos, Rene van Schaik, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Erik Schultes, Thierry Sengstag, Ted Slater, George Strawn, Morris A. Swertz, Mark Thompson, Johan van der Lei, Erik van Mulligen, Jan Velterop, Andra Waagmeester, Peter Wittenburg, Katherine Wolstencroft, Jun Zhao, Barend Mons
Date Published: 15th Mar 2016
Publication Type: Not specified
Citation: Sci. Data 3 : 160018