BERGEN PUBLICATION Location: UiB Duration: 14 days, injections at day 0 and day 7 Sampling dates: 29-30 March 2017 Compounds tested: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)/ Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) No. of test groups: 10 No. of fish per group: 21-22 No. of dead fish:
Aim: *To investigate biological responses in Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua) after in vivo exposure to a mixture of PAHs and PFASs, either singly or combined, at low (1x) or high (20x) doses. *PFAS concentrations were determined in cod liver, and PAH metabolites were measured in bile as a biomarker of PAH exposure. *Various biomarkers were determined at transcript and protein levels in the liver, and lipidomics and proteomics analyses were performed on liver tissue to study responses on lipid metabolism.
DOI: 10.15490/
Zenodo URL: None
Created at: 7th Jul 2020 at 07:36
Fish biometrics in vivo I
Includes physiological informations regarding the fish samples: Weight, length, gender, date sampled, comments regarding physical apperance, in addition to calculations of condition factor (K), hepatosomatic index (HSI) and gonadosomatic index (GSI).
Enzyme activity assays
Enzyme activity of the oxidative stress enzymes glutathione S-transferase (Gst) and catalase (Cat) measured in cod liver
Enzyme activities catalase and glutathione S-transferase
Measured in liver of Atlantic cod exposed to PAHs and PFASs
- Enzyme activity Gst Cat_standardized.xlsx
Vitellogenin in plasma
Concentration of the egg yolk precursor protein vitellogenin in cod plasma
Vitellogenin concentrations in cod plasma - IV1
Concentrations of the egg yolk precursor protein vitellogenin (Vtg) in cod plasma - 10 samples from each exposure group, IV1 experiment
- Vtg concentration cod plasma - IV1.xlsx
Liver gene expression (qPCR)
Gene expression of cyp1a and acox1 measured by qPCR in liver of Atlantic cod exposed to PAHs and PFASs
Liver gene expression cyp1a and acox1
Mean normalized expression (MNE) levels of cyp1a and acox1 measured in liver of Atlantic Cod exposed to PAH and PFAS mixtures
- Gene expression liver_standardized.xlsx
ELISA Cyp1a liver
Semi-quantitative determination of Cyp1a protein amount in cod liver, using the ELISA method.
Cyp1a protein amount
Measured in cod liver by the ELISA method, in Atlantic cod exposed to PAHs and PFASs
- Cyp1a protein amount ELISA_standardized.xlsx
Comet Assay
Measurement of DNA fragmentation using the Comet Assay, in white blood cells of Atlantic cod exposed to PAHs and PFASs
Comet assay
Tail intensities (%) measured by the Comet Assay as indication of DNA fragmentation in blood cells of Atlantic cod exposed to PAHs and PFASs
- Comet assay_standardized.xlsx
Chemical analyses
Measurements of PAH metabolites in bile (1-OH-napthalene, 2-OH-naphthalene, 1-OH-phenanthrene, 1-OH-pyrene) and PFAS compounds in liver (PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFTrDa)
in Atlantic cod exposed to mixtures of PAHs and PFASs.
PAH and PFAS chemistry
Concentrations of PFAS in liver and PAH metabolites in bile of cod exposed to mixtures of PAHs and PFASs
- PFAS and PAH chemistry.xlsx
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Created: 7th Jul 2020 at 07:36
Last updated: 7th Jul 2020 at 07:36