This study contains our single nuclei characterisation of whole hearts from Fzt.DU mice published in Cells.
DOI: 10.15490/
Zenodo URL: None
Created at: 27th Jan 2020 at 13:16
Single nuclei RNA-Seq analysis of Fzt:DU mice
No description specified
UNIX script for snRNAseq
This file contains the detailed UNIX commands for mm10 index file creation (suitable for RNAvelocity) for kallisto as well as the commands used for the alignment with kallisto and the subsequent quantification with bustools.
- UNIX script for snRNAseq Wolfien et al.txt
R script for snRNAseq analysis
This file contains the R-script to analyse single nuclei data previously processed with kallisto and bustools. The analyses utilizes the Seurat, harmony and RNAvelocity package.
- R script for snRNAseq Wolfien et al.R
Top 10 marker genes per nuclei
This pdf contains the top 10 markers for each identified cell type as a dot-plot.
- Top 10 marker genes per nuclei.pdf
Top 100 marker genes for whole heart fzt:DU cell types
This file contains the top markers for the identified cell types.
- Marker_genes100_fztDU.xlsx
Top marker genes per nuclei
This dot-plot represents only the most significant genes per identified cell type cluster.
- 1dot.pdf
Nuclei isolation for single nuclei RNA-seq
This file contains the detailed experimental protocol to isolate nuclei from murine hearts.
- nuclei isolation_english.pdf
These checksums allow you to check a Snapshot you have downloaded hasn't been modified. For details on how to use these please visit this guide
MD5: 7b969765af8c359a4377d730deb6d61b
SHA1: a3d9b5fd6284cb5d4c53c35b30181c41c5315833

Views: 2682 Downloads: 54
Created: 27th Jan 2020 at 13:16
Last updated: 27th Jan 2020 at 13:18