
What is an Assay?
5 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 5

What is the relationship between the activity of Trk1,2 system and cell volume? Is cell volume affected by lack of the main potassium uptake systems? Comparison of cell volume in wild type and TRK mutants.

To estimate the differnces of internal pH between the wild type, single trk1 and trk2 or double trk1 trk2 mutants, the pH-dependent variant of GFP pHluorin was expressed in cells from a multicopy plasmid, cells were grown under various conditions, and the cell fluorescence was monitored.

To estimate the relative level of plasma-membrane potential in the wild type, single trk1 and trk2 or double trk1 trk2 mutants, the diSC3(3) fluorescent probe was added to cells grown under various conditions and the levels of cell fluorescence were monitored.

Is protein content of trk1,2 mutants affected? Determination of proteins in wild type and TRK mutants

Is internal potassium affected by mutations in the Trk1,2 system? Under which conditions? Potassium measurements in wild type and TRK mutants grown and/or incubated under several external conditions.

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