Data files

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173 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 572

All genes, DEGs and GO-terms

Information about the ENA submission of all whole-genome-sequenced isolates used in this study

VCF file that contains all isolates used for the linear regression GWAS

Creator: Lennart Bartels

Submitter: Lennart Bartels

No description specified

Creator: Lennart Bartels

Submitter: Lennart Bartels

No description specified

Creator: Lennart Bartels

Submitter: Lennart Bartels

No description specified
No description specified

The ground truth collection for the BeeProject. Contains 3819 png scans of hanwritten tables in the folder 'LHI_PNG', followed by digital json and excel files in 'LHI_GT'

No description specified
No description specified

Michaelis-Menten kinetic of SynPGM1 in absence and presence of the effectors glucose-1,6-bisphosphate and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate.

Original data from the paper published in Biochemical Journal, 2024.

Authors: Ana KM Lobo, Douglas J Orr, Elizabete Carmo-Silva Affiliation: Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YQ, UK

Correspondence: Elizabete Carmo-Silva ( or Ana KM Lobo (

Creator: Ana Lobo

Submitter: Ana Lobo

Winter Wheat yield, NIR, and LICOR data file

No description specified

Creator: Rainer Malik

Submitter: Rainer Malik

No description specified

Creator: Rainer Malik

Submitter: Rainer Malik

No description specified

Creator: Rainer Malik

Submitter: Rainer Malik

Synergist or antagonist interactions in mixed cultures of Candida species, according to HWP1, ALS3 and SAP1 gene expression levels.

Creator: Derly Andrade

Submitter: Derly Andrade

Candida yeast quantification from 20-h old cultures and posterior adjustment to 107 viable cells/mL using a hemocytometer.

Creator: Derly Andrade

Submitter: Derly Andrade

Standard curve of HWP1, ALS3 and SAP1 genes examined by CT values and log cDNA dilutions.

Creator: Derly Andrade

Submitter: Derly Andrade

Melting curves of HWP1, ALS3 and SAP1 genes of C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis indicated in peaks.

Creator: Derly Andrade

Submitter: Derly Andrade

Amplification curves of HWP1, ALS3 and SAP1 genes of C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis.

Creator: Derly Andrade

Submitter: Derly Andrade

Raw data of Figure 5, main text

Raw data of Figure 4, main text

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