Being FAIR: FAIR data and model management SSBSS 2017 Summer School
Version 1

Lecture 1: Being FAIR: FAIR data and model management In recent years we have seen a change in expectations for the management of all the outcomes of research – that is the “assets” of data, models, codes, SOPs, workflows. The “FAIR” (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship [1] have proved to be an effective rallying-cry. Funding agencies expect data (and increasingly software) management retention and access plans. Journals are raising their expectations of the availability of data and codes for pre- and post- publication. The multi-component, multi-disciplinary nature of Systems and Synthetic Biology demands the interlinking and exchange of assets and the systematic recording of metadata for their interpretation. Our FAIRDOM project ( supports Systems Biology research projects with their research data, methods and model management, with an emphasis on standards smuggled in by stealth and sensitivity to asset sharing and credit anxiety. The FAIRDOM Platform has been installed by over 30 labs or projects. Our public, centrally hosted Asset Commons, the, supports the outcomes of 50+ projects. Now established as a grassroots association, FAIRDOM has over 8 years of experience of practical asset sharing and data infrastructure at the researcher coal-face ranging across European programmes (SysMO and ERASysAPP ERANets), national initiatives (Germany's de.NBI and Systems Medicine of the Liver; Norway's Digital Life) and European Research Infrastructures (ISBE) as well as in PI's labs and Centres such as the SynBioChem Centre at Manchester. In this talk I will show explore how FAIRDOM has been designed to support Systems Biology projects and show examples of its configuration and use. I will also explore the technical and social challenges we face. I will also refer to European efforts to support public archives for the life sciences. ELIXIR (http:// the European Research Infrastructure of 21 national nodes and a hub funded by national agreements to coordinate and sustain key data repositories and archives for the Life Science community, improve access to them and related tools, support training and create a platform for dataset interoperability. As the Head of the ELIXIR-UK Node and co-lead of the ELIXIR Interoperability Platform I will show how this work relates to your projects. [1] Wilkinson et al, The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship Scientific Data 3, doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.18

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Created: 19th Oct 2021 at 15:02

Last updated: 19th Oct 2021 at 15:02

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Version 1 (earliest) Created 19th Oct 2021 at 15:02 by Carole Goble

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