Lecture 2: Being Reproducible: Models, Research Objects and R* Brouhaha Reproducibility is a R* minefield, depending on whether you are testing for robustness (rerun), defence (repeat), certification (replicate), comparison (reproduce) or transferring between researchers (reuse). Different forms of "R" make different demands on the completeness, depth and portability of research. Sharing is another minefield raising concerns of credit and protection from sharp practices. In practice the exchange, ...
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
Lecture 1: Being FAIR: FAIR data and model management In recent years we have seen a change in expectations for the management of all the outcomes of research – that is the “assets” of data, models, codes, SOPs, workflows. The “FAIR” (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship [1] have proved to be an effective rallying-cry. Funding agencies expect data (and increasingly software) management retention and access plans. Journals ...
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble