Data files
What is a Data file?Filters
Read counts for each sample
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Gareth Gillard, Fabian Grammes
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
FPKMs or Fragments Per Kilobase of exon per Million reads . Fragment means fragment of DNA, so the two reads that comprise a paired-end read count as one. Per kilobase of exon means the counts of fragments are then normalized by dividing by the total length of all exons in the gene (or transcript). This bit of magic makes it possible to compare Gene A to Gene B even if they are of different lengths. Per million reads means this value is then normalized against the library size. This bit of magic ...
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Fabian Grammes, Gareth Gillard
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Column 1: Row numbers Column 2: Sample id (See below) Column 3: Water (Fish from salt water or fresh water) Column 4: Tissue (Liver or Gut) Column 5: Feed (MA- Marine oil, VO- Vegetable oil) Column 6: Day Column 7: Count file location
Column 2 explained: The freshwater fish have no tank numbers and saltwater fish do have tank numbers eg : 69-D0-MA-G-1 - > 69 well position (id given when sequncing), Day 0, Marine oil, Gut, Fish number 1 147-D16-VO-MA-L-6 -> 147 well position, Day 16, Vegetable ...
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Gareth Gillard
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
FPKMs or Fragments Per Kilobase of exon per Million reads . Fragment means fragment of DNA, so the two reads that comprise a paired-end read count as one. Per kilobase of exon means the counts of fragments are then normalized by dividing by the total length of all exons in the gene (or transcript). This bit of magic makes it possible to compare Gene A to Gene B even if they are of different lengths. Per million reads means this value is then normalized against the library size. This bit of magic ...
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Gareth Gillard, Fabian Grammes
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Read counts for each sample
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Fabian Grammes, Gareth Gillard
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Gareth Gillard, Fabian Grammes, Jon Olav Vik
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran