
What is an Assay?
1 Assay visible to you, out of a total of 4

A stock solution of BSA (Bovine serum Albumine) 1 mg/ml is made and from this solution different aliquots are picked in order to obtain different dilution solution.

  1. 25 µL from solution + 975 µL water to obtain 25 µg/ml
  2. 50 µL from solution + 950 µL of water to obtain 50 µg/ml
  3. 75 µL from solution + 925 µL water to obtain 75 µg/ml
  4. 100 µL from solution + 900 µL water to obtain 100 µg/ml
  5. 125 µL from solution + 825 µL water to obtain 125 µg/ml
  6. 150 µL from solution + 850 µL water to ...

Submitter: Giuseppe Arbia

Assay type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: Technology Type

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: 1 hidden item

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