
What is a Model?
6 Models visible to you, out of a total of 8

We recommend to use a virtual environment with a python 3.11 distribution to reproduce our results. Using anaconda and the environment file eulerpi_env.yml, the working virtual environment is set up through the prompt

conda env create -f eulerpi_env.yml

The environment file eulerpi_env.yml contains a human-readable list of all required dependencies. Consequently, these dependencies can also be installed manually.

In addition to this README and the environment file, the downloaded .zip ...

Creator: Vincent Wagner

Submitter: Vincent Wagner

No description specified

Creator: Vincent Wagner

Submitter: Vincent Wagner

No description specified

Creator: Vincent Wagner

Submitter: Vincent Wagner

No description specified

Creator: Vincent Wagner

Submitter: Vincent Wagner

The Folder contains:

  • The MCMC and simulation results, as well as the synthetic data of the Chemical Reaction Network model (DoubleDecayIndep)
  • The MCMC and simulation results, as well as the synthetic data of the Lotka-Volterra model (LotkaVolterraJoint)

Together with an executable ipynb script (Exe.ipynb) and the MCMC plotting and execution functions (

Creator: Vincent Wagner

Submitter: Vincent Wagner

No description specified

Creator: Vincent Wagner

Submitter: Vincent Wagner

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