Data files

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33 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 33

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the TbPTR1 receptor based on PDB-ID 2x9g without explicit water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file.

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the TbPTR1 receptor based on PDB-ID 2x9g with explicit conserved structural water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file. ...

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the TbDHFR receptor based on PDB-ID 3rg9 without explicit water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file.

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the LmPTR1 receptor based on PDB-ID 1e92 without explicit water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file.

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the LmPTR1 receptor based on PDB-ID 1e92 with explicit conserved structural water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file. ...

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the LmDHFR receptor based on the published homology model of LmDHFR (Panecka-Hofman et al. (2017) Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 1861(12), 3215-3230. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2017.09.012) without explicit water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, ...

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the hDHFR receptor based on PDB-ID 1u72 without explicit water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file.

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the hDHFR receptor based on PDB-ID 1u72 with explicit conserved structural water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file. ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for reference compounds methotrexate and 1b as well as the N10-modified compounds 2a and 2e in their neutral and N1-protonated variants and the PABA-modified compound 3d in neutral form as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The TbPTR1 receptor was based on PDB-ID 2x9g without additional water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced Fit docking with Schrödinger Glide and ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for reference compounds methotrexate and 1b as well as the N10-modified compounds 2a and 2e in their neutral and N1-protonated variants and the N10-modified compound 2c and merged-series compound 5e in neutral form as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The TbPTR1 receptor was based on PDB-ID 2x9g with explicit conserved structural water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for methotrexate in its neutral and N1-protonated variant as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The TbDHFR receptor was based on PDB-ID 3rg9 without additional water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced Fit docking with Schrödinger Glide and Prime in the Induced Fit docking workflow (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Induced Fit Docking ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for reference compounds methotrexate, 1b and 1c as well as the N10-modified compound 2e in their neutral and N1-protonated variants and the N10-modified compound 2a and Tail-modified compounds 4e, 4f, 4i and 4j in neutral form as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The LmPTR1 receptor was based on PDB-ID 1e92 without additional water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for reference compounds methotrexate, 1b and 1c as well as the N10-modified compound 2e in their neutral and N1-protonated variants and the PABA-modified compound 3e in neutral form as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The LmPTR1 receptor was based on PDB-ID 1e92 with explicit conserved structural water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced Fit docking with Schrödinger ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for methotrexate in its neutral and N1-protonated variant as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The LmDHFR receptor was based on a published homology model of LmDHFR (Panecka-Hofman et al. (2017) Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 1861(12), 3215-3230. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2017.09.012) without additional water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced Fit docking with Schrödinger ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for methotrexate in its neutral and N1-protonated variant as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The hDHFR receptor was based on PDB-ID 1u72 without additional water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced Fit docking with Schrödinger Glide and Prime in the Induced Fit docking workflow (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Induced Fit Docking ...

Zip-archive with induced fit docking results for methotrexate in its neutral and N1-protonated variant as individual ligand:receptor complex PDB files. The files are ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores. The hDHFR receptor was based on PDB-ID 1u72 with explicit conserved structural water molecules. Docking results were obtained by Induced Fit docking with Schrödinger Glide and Prime in the Induced Fit docking workflow (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Induced ...

Compound SMILES of resynthesized or newly designed pteridine compounds 1b, 1c, 2a-e, 3a-e, 4a-j and 5a-f used for ligand preparation within Maestro (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Maestro.). SMILES strings and compound identifiers are comma-separated and can be readily imported in Maestro.

Zip archive of N1 protonated reference and newly synthesized pteridines (series 1-5) in SDF format.

Pteridines checked for Pan-assay interference compounds with the FAF-Drugs4 webserver (, last checked August 2020 and Lagorce et al. (2015) Nucleic Acids Res. 43, W200–207). Archive of PAINS filtering and ADME-Tox prediction results from FAF-Drugs4 run performed April 2019 with compound SMILES as input: applied_filters.txt: list of filters used; compound.sdf, accepted.sdf, intermediate.sdf, rejected.sdf, covalent_inhibitors.sdf and pains.sdf: compound ...

Results of default run of Schrödinger QikProp (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, QikProp v4.6.) for reference pteridines (series 1) and newly synthesized N10-, PABA and tail-modified pteridines (series 2, 3 and 4). QikProp in silico predicts various physico-chemical compound properties and advanced descriptors related to administration, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity of the compounds.

Results of default run of Schrödinger QikProp (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, QikProp v4.6.) for newly synthesized compounds of the merged series (5a-5f). QikProp in silico predicts various physico-chemical compound properties and advanced descriptors related to administration, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity of the compounds.

PDB file of the prepared human dihydrofolate reductase docking receptor based on chain A of PDB-ID 1u72 with a conserved set of structural waters.

PDB file of the prepared human dihydrofolate reductase docking receptor based on chain A of PDB-ID 1u72 without additional water molecules.

PDB file of the prepared Leishmania major dihydrofolate reductase docking receptor based on a published homology model of LmDHFR (Panecka-Hofman et al. (2017) Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 1861(12), 3215-3230. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2017.09.012) without water molecules.

PDB file of the prepared Leishmania major pteridine reductase 1 docking receptor based on chain A of PDB-ID 1e92 with a conserved set of structural waters.

PDB file of the prepared Leishmania major pteridine reductase 1docking receptor based on chain A of PDB-ID 1e92 without additional water molecules.

PDB file of the prepared Trypanosoma brucei dihydrofolate reductase docking receptor based on chain A of PDB-ID 3rg9 without water molecules.

PDB file of the prepared Trypanosoma brucei pteridine reductase 1 docking receptor based on chain A of PDB-ID 2x9g with a conserved set of structural waters.

PDB file of the prepared Trypanosoma brucei pteridine reductase 1 docking receptor based on chain A of PDB-ID 2x9g without additional water molecules.

Summary of fragments that were used to construct an in silico pteridine library with corresponding fragment identifiers. Connections between the fragments are shown outside the colored boxes. Compounds were composed of a core fragment (C1-C3), an N10 fragment (N1-N7), a PABA fragment (P1-P10) and, for any PABA fragment except P8, P9 and P10, a tail fragment (T1E1-T7).

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