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6 Studies visible to you, out of a total of 6

"TRIFFID (Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics)" is a dynamic global vegetation model, which updates the plant distribution and soil carbon based on climate-sensitive CO2 fluxes at the land-atmosphere interface. The surface CO2 fluxes associated with photosynthesis and plant respiration are calculated in the MOSES 2 tiled land-surface scheme (Essery et al (In preparation)), on each atmospheric model timestep (normally 30 minutes), for each of 5 plant functional ...

This is a very simple generic vegetation model, with just one state variable (plant biomass), and two processes: assimilation and respiration.   In the original paper, the model is used twice, once for the trees and once for the grass under the trees, with the grass receiving light not intercepted by the trees.   The model provided here is just for a single vegetation component.Related PublicationsMcMurtrie RE, Wolf L (1983). A model of competition between trees and grass for radiation, water and ...

"LINTUL simulates potential growth of a crop, i.e. its dry matter accumulation under ample supply of water and nutrients in a pest-, disease- and weed-free environment, under the prevailing weather conditions. The rate of dry matter accumulation is a function of irradiation and crop characteristics. The model makes use of the common observation that the crop growth rate under favourable conditions is proportional to the amount of light intercepted (Monteith, 1977). Dry matter production is, ...

DALEC (Data Assimilation Linked Ecosystem Carbon) represents the C cycle with a simple box model of pools connected via fluxes. There are five pools: C content of foliage (Cf); woody stems and coarse roots (Cw) and fine roots (Cr); and of fresh leaf and fine root litter (Clitter) and soil organic matter (SOM) plus WD (CSOM/WD).  The fluxes among pools are based on the following assumptions: All C fixed during a day is either expended in autotrophic respiration or else allocated to one of three ...

"The CENTURY model is a general model of plant-soil nutrient cycling which is being used to simulate carbon and nutrient dynamics for different types of ecosystems including grasslands, agricultural lands, forests and savannas.  CENTURY is composed of a soil organic matter/ decomposition submodel, a water budget model, a grassland/crop submodel, a forest production submodel, and management and events scheduling functions. It computes the flow of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur through ...

"3PG is an acronym for Physiological Principles Predicting Growth. It is a generalized forest carbon allocation model, published by Landsberg and Waring (1997), that works with any forest biome and can be run as an Excel spreadsheet by practicing foresters given a few days of training. The model uses relatively simple and readily available inputs such as species growth tables, latitude, aspect, weather records, edaphic variables, stand age, and stand density to derive monthly estimates of gross ...

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