COST Action CA21111 - WG1/WG2 Workshop "Novel leads and drugs and their mechanism of action in the field of vector borne parasitic disease"
The workshop “Novel leads and drugs and their mechanism of action in the field of vector borne parasitic disease” is jointly organized by WG1 “Compound libraries coordination and integration of compound design” and WG2 “Integration of early phase studies and low environmental impact actions” of the COST Action CA21111 OneHealthDrugs. The focus of the workshop is to bring together experts to report and discuss common definitions of novel leads and drugs and their mechanisms of action in view also of their impact on OneHealth needs. The workshop will give an overview about the state of art in the field and will help to plan a roadmap to achieve basic objectives of the COST Action. This workshop is connected with WG1/WG2 activity based on the handling of chemical compound information and the usage of compound databases/repositories and WG3 activity on the profile of leads and drug candidate.
SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/events/317
Projects: WG1 - Compound libraries coordination and integration of compound design, WG2 - Integration of early phase studies and low environmental impact ac...
15th May 2023 at 12:00 (15th May 2023 at 14:00 (Europe/Berlin))
15th May 2023 at 15:30 (15th May 2023 at 17:30 (Europe/Berlin))
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified