2 items tagged with 'including:
- Dynamic modelling
- Parameter estimation
- Optimal experimental design
- Dynamic optimization'.
Expertise: Mathematical modelling, Statistically and biologically inspired optimization algorithms, Mathematical modelling of biosystems and bioprocesses, Dynamics and Control of Biological Networks, Parameter estimation
Tools: Computational and theoretical biology, ODE, Partial differential equations, Matlab, Mathematica, Computational Systems Biology, including: - Dynamic modelling - Parameter estimation - Optimal experimental design - Dynamic optimization
We are very interested in applying a systems approach (i.e. model-based concepts and related computational tools) to problems from the biological domain. In particular, we are doing research in computational systems biology, targetting the following topics:
- Parameter estimation (inverse problems, model calibration) in biochemical pathways
- Optimal experimental design (optimal dynamic experiments) for Systems Biology
- Dynamic optimization (optimal control) of biosystems and bioprocesses