Data files

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2 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 2

WT 110901_SN865_B_L006_R1_GQC-28- ATCACG.fastq.gz 100 19.624.852 1,29

llumina fastq format 4 lines for each sequence: 1- Unique identifier, with the following format: @::::#/ 2- Sequence (A, T, C ,G or N (undetermined) only) 3- Orientation (always forward without mapping) 4- Quality value for each base, corresponding to a Phred-like score encoded in ASCII format, with an offset of of 33 (e.g. ā€œJā€ gives a value of 41) and is in accordance with sanger FASTQ format. The sequence file is compressed ...

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