Sample types

What is a Sample type?
1 Sample type found
No description specified

UID (Text) *, Name (Text) , Scientist (Text) , Protocol (Web link) , DateOfBirth (Text) , Sex (Text) , Genotype (Text) , StorageLocation (Text) , Cohort (Text) , SacrificeDate (Text) , Treatment1Type (Text) , Treatment1 (Text) , Treatment1Date (Text) , Treatment1Parent (Registered Sample - CHM - NIV) , Treatment1Route (Text) , Treatment1Dose (Text) , Treatment1DoseUnits (Text) , Treatment2Type (Text) , Treatment2 (Text) , Treatment2Date (Text) , Treatment2Parent (Registered Sample - CHM - NIV) , Treatment2Route (Text) , Treatment2Dose (Text) , Treatment2DoseUnits (Text)

Not specified

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