
What is a Model?
34 Models visible to you, out of a total of 51

Model derived from P2011.1.2 in which the steady state assumptions for the Evening complex in P2011 were eliminated. After eliminating these assumptions the model was fitted to the original dynamics of P2011.1.2 for the networks WT, lhycca1, prr79, toc1, gi, ztl. In particular for the lhycca1 double mutant only the repressive "arms" (edges) for cL were set to zero. The parameter values or cP and for COP1 variables were fixed as these have been fitted before in Pokhilko et al 2012 Mol Sys Bio.

Creators: Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Andrew Millar

Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia

From published files, Uriel Urquiza created SBML models with all 8 parameter sets published, and versions of F2014.1 to simulate multiple clock mutants, using SloppyCell

Arabidopsis clock model P2011.6.1 SBML imported into Copasi 4.8 and saved as native Copasi file.

Creators: Andrew Millar, Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Kevin Stratford, EPCC

Submitter: Andrew Millar

The P2011.3.1 SBML model imported into Copasi v4.8, saved as native Copasi file

Creators: Andrew Millar, Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Kevin Stratford, EPCC

Submitter: Andrew Millar

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