What is a Study?Submitter: Andrew Millar
Investigation: Absolute units for proteins in Arabidopsis cloc...
Assays: promoter binding affinity calculations on the genome based on PBMs and E...
Files required for reproducibility of computational results. This include Docker file and python packages
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Investigation: Absolute units for proteins in Arabidopsis cloc...
Assays: Python packages
Clock mutants for lhy-1/cca1-11, prr9/7, toc1, lux-4, elf3-1 were transformed with the genomic regions of the associated clock genes tagged with NanoLUC-3FLAG-10His. The tagged genomic constructs were transformed in the mutants using Agrobcterium ABI strain (kindly donated by Prof. Seth Davis University of York). T3 plants resistant to homozygous for BASTA resistance were phenotyped by luciferase imaging asessing period phenotype or plant architecture. Rescuing lines were then used for performing ...
Submitter: Andrew Millar
Investigation: Absolute units for proteins in Arabidopsis cloc...
Assays: Jupyter notebook Predicting Protein Numbers, Protein level time series, TiMet RNA timeseries data