
What is a Presentation?
3 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 3

Presentation of JERM templates at SEEK Users WS 2012 in Berlin (Olga Krebs)

Creator: Olga Krebs

Submitter: Olga Krebs

This presentation gives an overview of the way we structure and share data in the SEEK using JERM templates, and how we use the ISA hierarchy of Investigations, Studies, and Assays to associate experiments and data sets together. These slides were presented at the SEEK Users meeting in Berlin 2012.

Creator: Katy Wolstencroft

Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft

Slide for an overview of new, and future upcoming features being developed in SEEK - presented at the Berlin SEEK Users Meeting March 2012.

Creator: Stuart Owen

Submitter: Stuart Owen

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