
What is a Presentation?
8 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 8
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Creator: Quyen Nguyen

Submitter: Quyen Nguyen

Presented by MARTIN SCHARM at SySMO PALs meeting 29-30 November 2012 in Heidelberg

Creators: Olga Krebs, MARTIN SCHARM

Submitter: Olga Krebs

An overview of the RDF work being done with SEEK, given at the PALs meeting, November 2012. It gives a high level explanation of what RDF is, why its useful and can be used for filtering and finding out information about the data in SEEK. This talk proceeded an interactive session where the PALs came up with 20 questions, to help us refine our model and prioritise what we describe.

Creator: Stuart Owen

Submitter: Stuart Owen

This document is a summary of the SysMO-DB PALs meeting on the 29-30 November 2012

Creators: Katy Wolstencroft, Olga Krebs, Stuart Owen

Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft

Issues and considerations for data management as SysMO projects approach the end of their funding

Creator: Katy Wolstencroft

Submitter: Katy Wolstencroft

Presented by Ron Henkel at SySMO PALs meeting 29-30 November 2012 in Heidelberg

Creator: Ron Henkel

Submitter: Olga Krebs

Presented by Tobias Czauderna from Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben at the SysMO PALs Meeting Heidelberg,29-11-2012

Creators: Olga Krebs, Tobias Czauderna

Submitter: Olga Krebs

Olga's presentation at SySMO PALs meeting 29 – 30 November 2012, Heidelberg

Creators: Olga Krebs, PALs

Submitter: Olga Krebs

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