Data files

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Visualization of the workflow demonstrating a step-by-step explanation for a sc-SynO analysis. a) Several or one snRNA-Seq or scRNA-Seq fastq datasets can be used as an input. Here, we identify our cell population of interest and provide raw or normalized read counts of this specific population to sc-SynO for training. b) Further information for cluster annotation and processed count data are serving as input for the core algorithm. c) Based on the data input, we utilize the LoRAS synthetic ...

Validation of the sc-SynO model for the first use case of cardiac glial cell annotation. UMAP representation of the manually clustered Bl6 dataset of Wolfien et al. (2020) Precicted cells of sc-SynO are highlighted in blue, cells not chosen are grey. UMAP representation of the manually clustered dataset of Vidal (2019). Precicted cells of sc-SynO are highlighted in blue, cells not chosen are grey. Average expression of the respective top five cardiac glial cell marker genes for both validation ...

Validation of the sc-SynO model for the second use case of proliferative cardiomyocytes annotation. a) UMAP representation of the manually clustered single-nuclei dataset of Linscheid et al. (2019) Precicted cells of sc-SynO are highlighted in blue (based on top 20 selected features in the training model), red (based on top 100 selected features in the training model) cells not chosen are grey. b) UMAP representation of the manually clustered dataset of Vidal et al. (2020). PPrecicted cells of ...

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