Projects: MPIEvolBio-SciComp
Institutions: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology

I'm heading the Scientific Computing Unit at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany. My interest is the application of high performance and high throughput computing in data processing, data analysis, and numerical simulations of dynamical processes. I have a background in Theoretical Physics with a Ph.D. from Rostock University (2008), where I studied analytical models and numerical simulations of extremely dense and hot matter.
After a postdoc at the Lawrence Livermore ...
An overview of the RDF work being done with SEEK, given at the PALs meeting, November 2012. It gives a high level explanation of what RDF is, why its useful and can be used for filtering and finding out information about the data in SEEK. This talk proceeded an interactive session where the PALs came up with 20 questions, to help us refine our model and prioritise what we describe.
Creator: Stuart Owen
Submitter: Stuart Owen