
What is an Assay?
5 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 5

Data for global pH monitoring for precipitation experiments included in the publication: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation An experimental toolbox for in situ and real-time investigation of micro-scale pH evolution Included data: Calibration data and pH time evolution

Submitter: Jennifer Zehner

Assay type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: Technology Type

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitati...

Optical microscopy experiments for precipitation process. Images name have the format capture-yearmonthdayhourminutesecond

Submitter: Jennifer Zehner

Assay type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: Technology Type

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitati...

Data for Raman spectroscopy shown in publication: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation: An experimental toolbox for in situ and real-time investigation of micro-scale pH evolution.

Included are the Raman data for precipitation after 1 minute recton time, 3 minutes reaction time and 15 minutes reaction time.

Submitter: Jennifer Zehner

Assay type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: Technology Type

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitati...

Data for local pH monitoring precipitation experiments in publication: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation An experimental toolbox for in situ and real-time investigation of micro-scale pH evolution. Included are the calibration data, the signal from Channel 1 (representing signal from dye SR101) and Channel 3 (representing signal from pH dye R6G-EDA) and Channel 5 (brightfield images). Resolution is 512x512 pixel, images are recorded every 15 seconds. Data collection startet ...

Submitter: Jennifer Zehner

Assay type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: Technology Type

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitati...

Data for local pH monitoring expreiments for the dissolution part in publication: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation: An experimental toolbox for in situ and real-time investigation of micro-scale pH evolution. Included is data for the calibration, and from the dissolution experiment (Channel 1 data (signal from dye SR101) Channel 3 data (sigenl from dye R6G-EDA, and Channel 5 data (brightfield data)). Resolution is 512x512 pixel, images are recorded every 10sec. Data collection ...

Submitter: Jennifer Zehner

Assay type: Experimental Assay Type

Technology type: Technology Type

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: Microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitati...

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