Data files
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Transformation of RLU into absolute units using a calibration curve of recombinant MBP-NanoLUC-3FLAG-10His
Creators: Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Andrew Millar
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Plot of linear regresion of calibration curve for inferring number of molecules from NanoLUC biolumienescence in plant extracts
Creators: None
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
4 seeds of stable NanoLUC T3 homozygous lines for LHY, PRR7, TOC1, and ELF3 were seeded in 96-well flat white plate that contained 150 µl of ROBUST media and stratified for 2 days at 4ºC. Then plates were incubated in a 2 hours pulse of white light given and transferred to 22 hours darkness at 21 ºC. Then transferred 12L:12D photoperiod for 10 days. On day 10, 50 µl of 1:50 Furimazine:0.05% Triton X-100 added to each well for tracking NanoLUC bioluminescence. A) Measurements using a Tristar plate ...
Creator: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
"Samples of plants were collected in pre-weighed 2 ml microfuge tubes (safelock, Eppendorf) with 5 mm stainless steel grinding balls, and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. The tissue was ground twice at 30Hz for 1 min in a Tissue Lyser (Qiagen). The samples were flash frozen between grinding steps, then placed on ice and 150 μl of BSII buffer was added to protect the samples from proteolysis, without phosphatase inhibitors (Huang et al. 2016). The tube was weighed and further BSII buffer added to ...
Creators: Andrew Millar, Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
"Plates inoculated with Col-0 seed were grown under the same photoperiod conditions to the plants to be analysed. Plant tissue was harvested, making aliquots of 0.4 gFW. MBP-NL3F10H protein was prepared by the method described by Urquiza-Garcia U. and Millar A.J. in Plant Methods 2019. and then quantified by the linearized Bradford assay protocol using both Bovine serum albumin BSA and Ovoalbumin as standards (Ernst & Zor 2010). Then aliquots spiked with purified enzyme to generate a curve ...
Creators: Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Andrew Millar
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia