What is an Assay?Filters
Short Name: LA_myc-GC-MS Assay Class: WET Assay Type: GC-MS Title: Detection of lavandulyl acetate in SxF mycelium extracts Description: Detection of lavandulyl acetate in solvent extracts of SxF mycelia by GC-MS-MS pISA Assay creation date: 2021-12-23 pISA Assay creator: Sandra Vacas Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi
Study: _S_P5_SxF_lav_ac
Files connected to study: _S_P5_SxF_lav_ac
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi
Study: _S_P5_SxF_lav_ac
Short Name: LA_liq-GC-MS Assay Class: WET Assay Type: GC-MS Title: Detection of lavandulyl acetate in extracts of SxF liquid cultures Description: Detection of lavandulyl acetate in solvent extracts of SxF liquid cultures by GC-MS-MS pISA Assay creation date: 2021-12-23 pISA Assay creator: Sandra Vacas Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T33_MonoterpenoidsFungi
Study: _S_P5_SxF_lav_ac