Showing for Sample Type: D.LMX - EI_Fc-Engineered

1 Sample visible to you, out of a total of 1

ID Title UID Name File_PrimaryData Link_PrimaryData Checksum_PrimaryData Checksum_PrimaryType Parent Scientist SampleCreationDate Protocol Panel Analyte Vendor Product# Lot# BeadFluorescence MeasurementWavelength MeasurementWavelengthUnits Instrument Software LuminexDesign Notes
ID Title UID Name File_PrimaryData Link_PrimaryData Checksum_PrimaryData Checksum_PrimaryType Parent Scientist SampleCreationDate Protocol Panel Analyte Vendor Product# Lot# BeadFluorescence MeasurementWavelength MeasurementWavelengthUnits Instrument Software LuminexDesign Notes
38951 D.LMX-240502ALT-1 D.LMX-240502ALT-1 Irvine Fc-engineering LMX CytokineLuminex-FcEngineered-EI.xlsx 2a46281a5ec58cc247d058d864138532 MD5 TIS-240502ALT-2 Eddie Irvine 2021-12-15T0:0:0+0000 Human Cytokine Magnetic 10-Plex Panel (ThermoFisher, LHC0001M) GM-CSF; IFN-y; IL-1B; IL-2; IL-4; IL-5; IL-6; IL-8; IL-10; TNF-a ThermoFisher LHC0001M NA Streptavidin R-Phycoerythrin 565 nm FlexMap 3D N/A magnetic bead-based multiplex panel measuring median fluorescence intensity The assay was conducted at the final timepoint of the whole-blood restriction assay (120hr) to measure cytokine levels in the supernatant. Supernatants were collected, stored at -20°C, thawed, and filtered before analysis.
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