Showing for Sample Type: BAC - EI_Fc-Engineered

3 Samples visible to you, out of a total of 3

ID Title UID Name Species Strain TaxonomyID Phenotype Morphology GramStaining Scientist Notes
ID Title UID Name Species Strain TaxonomyID Phenotype Morphology GramStaining Scientist Notes
38947 BAC-240502ALT-1 BAC-240502ALT-1 H37Rv Mtb Live/dead Reporter Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv 83332 Constitutive mCherry; Inducible GFP Bacillus Positive Eddie Irvine
38948 BAC-240502ALT-2 BAC-240502ALT-2 H37Rv Mtb Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv 83332 N/A Bacillus Positive Eddie Irvine
38949 BAC-240502ALT-3 BAC-240502ALT-3 H37Rv Mtb-Lux Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv 83332 Luminescent Bacillus Positive Eddie Irvine;
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