Showing for Sample Type: D.XRS - CW_NDMA

1 Sample visible to you, out of a total of 1

ID Title UID File_PrimaryData Link_PrimaryData Parent RadiationSource Type Scientist Instrument Notes Checksum_PrimaryType Checksum_PrimaryData Protocol
ID Title UID File_PrimaryData Link_PrimaryData Parent RadiationSource Type Scientist Instrument Notes Checksum_PrimaryType Checksum_PrimaryData Protocol
38745 D.XRS-240514SWA-1 D.XRS-240514SWA-1 P24015.cif CHM-240514SWA-17 Mo Ka radiation Single-crystal X-ray crystallography Chi Wang Bruker Photon3 CPAD Diffractometer CCDC Case #2349489 MD5 a34c6084bfe2f37b68a44d4daf804c63
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