What is a Document?Listing of parameter values, identical to Supplementary Table 2 of the preprint and publication.
Creators: Andrew Millar, Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Submitter: Andrew Millar
This file contains the dependencies required for running SloppyCell and Tellurium together using Jupyter notebooks. It can be used to create a Docker image by executing the command
docker build user/image:version .
The image used for the project can be pulled from Docker hub by typing
docker pull uurquiza/urquiza2019a_tellurium_sloppycell:latest
Creators: Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Andrew Millar
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia
Contains the summary of model evolution for the Arabidopsis clock in absolute units. In these process two alternative architectures were proposed and fitted to Flis A et al 2015 Open Biology.
Creators: Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Andrew Millar
Submitter: Uriel Urquiza Garcia