
What is a Presentation?
6 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 7

In the talk I show that an increase in the concentration of one of two channelling enzyme has no effect on the flux. In contrast a decrease in the concentration of one of two channelling enzymes has the same effect like a concentration decrease of both enzymes.

Creator: Ulf Liebal

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

Presentation given by Colin Harwood presenting results about ITC experiments to confirm interactions. Preliminary crystallisation experiments commenced on suitable candidates.

Creator: Colin Harwood

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

The talk shows that proline biosynthesis and accumulation is connected to glycine betaine availability. Glycine betaine complements proline function.

Creator: Tamara Hoffmann

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

The talk shows that position 153 in various glutamate-kinases regulates proline feed-back regulation. This difference is shown for ProB being proline sensitivie and ProJ being proline independent.

Creator: Adrienne Zaprasis

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

Michael Kohlstedt presented flux data as integrated output of cellular components. Moreover, proteomics and metabolomics data reveal significant changes in intracellular protein and metabolite level and osmoprotection (supplementing glycine betaine) creates a novel metabolic state.

Creator: Michael Kohlstedt

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

Presentation by Thomas Millat of a tool for automatized analysis of flow cytometry data. It allows characterisation of different growth modalities, statistical measures of mean and variance and estimation of population overlap all along with appropriate visualization.

Creator: Thomas Millat

Submitter: Ulf Liebal

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