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5 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 5
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Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Stig Omholt

Submitter: Jon Olav Vik

  1. Digital biotechnology
  2. The value chain
  3. Examples
  4. Tools and funding
  5. Data sharing

Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Steinar Bergseth

Submitter: Jon Olav Vik

Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Bente Pretlove, Frank Børre Pedersen

Submitter: Jon Olav Vik

Björgólfur Hávarðsson is Innovation Manager in the NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster, Norway. He leads AquaCloud, a sea-louse forecast system that streams data from 3000 netcages to provide individually tailored precautionary recommendations to its participants. What do the participants contribute, and what do they get out? What are their motivations, and how was the collaboration organised?

Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Björgólfur Hávarðsson

Submitter: Jon Olav Vik

Look to medicine: Computer models enter clinical practice. The genotype x environment --> phenotype map. The Digital Life Norway network and researcher projects. The Digital Salmon: a library of models and data. The merits of mathematical modelling. Commoditizing models and data. Goals for the workshop:

  • Participants' input!
  • Is there support for a Digital Salmon knowledge base? -- Moral commitment from industry, academia, funders. -- Some form of consortium, reponsible for next workshop. ...

Creator: Jon Olav Vik

Submitter: Jon Olav Vik

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