Progress curve analysis XAD
Version 3

Model for the Caulobacter crescentus Weimberg pathway, describing the conversion of Xyl to KG upon sequential adition of purified enzymes. If the Mathematica notebook is downloaded and the data file is downloaded in the same directory, then the notebook can be evaluated, and the figure in the manuscript for the progress curves will be reproduced.


1 item is associated with this Model:
  • progressCurves-XAD-SEEK.nb (Mathematica Notebook file - 98.3 KB) Download

Organism: Not specified

Model type: Algebraic equations

Model format: Mathematica

Execution or visualisation environment: Mathematica

Model image: No image specified

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Views: 1297   Downloads: 68

Created: 12th Apr 2019 at 11:25

Last updated: 8th Jan 2020 at 14:24

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Version History

Version 3 (latest) Created 8th Jan 2020 at 14:24 by Jacky Snoep

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