UV-visible spectra were obtained on an Agilent Cary 4000 running software version 4.20 (468) using a 1 cm path-length quartz cuvette. Fluorescence measurements were performed at room temperature on a Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorolog 3 and spectra acquired were corrected for solvent background signals as well as for variances in detector sensitivity for different wavelengths. Excitation measurements were made on the same instrument and the data are only corrected for solvent background signals. Quantum yield measurements were performed on a Horiba Quanta-φ F3029 integrating sphere. Origin software (https://www.originlab.com/) is necessary to open and process the files (.opj and .opju). A viewer (https://www.originlab.com/viewer/) may be used as an alternative to only read the file and data can be manually transferred to other software for processing.