Written by G. Gygli.
Contact gudrun.gygli@kit.edu in case of questions.
Made available without any warranty under a CC-By license. This script uses Python 3
This script aims to help you understand how to optimize the design of a time-course experiments for *single-substrate, single-enzyme catalyzed reactions*.
Input: estimates of $K_\text{m}$ and $v_\text{max}$ and indicate the enzyme concentration concentration ($E_\text{0}$) and substrate concentration ($s_\text{0}$) you are planning to use.
If you have no estimates to give, try the experiment with the suggested initial values.
This notebook is heavily based on the work by Stroberg and Schnell, and their recommendations for the design of time course experiments: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpc.2016.09.004
In order for both $K_\text{m}$ and $v_\text{max}$ to be derived from substrate progress curve measurements:
Finally, note that the equations used to simulate data are:
$\frac{s(t)}{s_\text{0}} = (\frac{s_\text{0}}{K_\text{m}})^{-1} W[\frac{s_\text{0}}{K_\text{m}}e^{(\frac{s_\text{0}}{K_\text{m}}-\frac{V}{K_\text{m}}t)}]$
(which does not take into account $E_\text{0}$).
And the the approximation taking into account $E_\text{0}$:
$\frac{s(t)}{s_\text{0}} \approx e^{-\frac{k_\text{cat}e_\text{0}t}{K_\text{m}}(1-\frac{s_\text{0}}{k_\text{cat}e_\text{0}}t)}$
We will perform steps with this notebook:
Step 1: Import packages and define functions
Step 2: Provide input parameters - Enzyme reaction parameters - Experimental conditions parameters
Step 3: Simulate and plot data
Step 4: Now it is up to you
NOTE that your enzyme might behave completely different than in this example due to a more complex reaction mechanism!
# Here, we import all the python packages we need to run this script.
# in the unlikely case they are not installed on your computer, this might help:
# https://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2017/12/05/installing-python-packages-from-jupyter/
# accessed 04.10.21
import pandas
from scipy.special import lambertw
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import scipy
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeWarning
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# function to model
def Srt_schnell(t, Km: float, Vmax: float):
# print("t,Km,Vmax",t,Km,Vmax)
E = np.exp((s0/Km)-(Vmax/Km)*t)
# L = np.abs(lambertw((s0/Km)*E)) # this apparently can be complex which can cause Errors
# - the initial valuesgiven in the example below do not suffer form this problem, in case you
# run into this problems, try using the line below instead,
# where the output of the lambertw function is converted into an absolute value (using np.abs() )
L = lambertw((s0/Km)*E) # this apparently can be complex which can cause Errors
y = pow((s0/Km),-1)*L
return y
def Srt_enzymeconcentrationdependent(t,E0, Km: float, Vmax: float):
y = np.exp((-(kcat*t*E0)/Km)*(1 - (s0/(kcat*E0*t))))
return y
Here, you can give an estimate of the enzyme reaction parameters $K_\text{m}$ and $v_\text{max}$ for a *single-substrate, single-enzyme catalyzed reaction*. These parameters are needed to model data using the Michaelis-Menten equation, and can be adjusted as you progress with your experiments.
vmax = 10 # units: μM/s, initial value: 10
Km = 100 # units: μM, initial value: 100
# we will be using a randon noise generator to include some variation in our simulated data
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
# noiselevelMM controls how "noisy" your fake data will be, but it has not real meaning for your actual experiment.
noiselevelMM = 1 # initial value: 1
Choose how long you want to follow the reaction, i.e. how long your experiment should take by setting the length of $t$ (units in the example are minutes, this obviously has consequences on the units of $v_\text{max}$, and the x-axis in the plot). Units must be manually verified and adjusted if changes are made...
Note that besides $t$ you also MUST give a starting concentration of substrate ($s_\text{0}$) and a starting concentration of enzyme ($E_\text{0}$).
t = list(range(0, 100,5)) # units: seconds, initial value: 100
# note: this line creates a list (array), filled with values starting from 0 and ending with 100, with a step of 5:
# 0,5,10,...,100
s0 = 200 # units: μM, initial value: 200
E0 = 25 # units: μM, initial value: 25
Now, run all the code below to see what data you can expect to obtain for the input parameters you gave.
This is where the data are simulated and plotted. Depending on how the plot looks, you may want to adjust $t$ , $s_\text{0}$ and $E_\text{0}$.
Note that $v_\text{max}$ influences how quickly the reaction is over. Because $v_\text{max}$ is a property of the enzyme, we need to shorten $t$ for high $v_\text{max}$, and lengthen $t$ for low $v_\text{max}$.
The approximation used to simulate data taking into account $E_\text{0}$ leads to unrealistic behaviour for small $t$ s: in the beginning of your simulated experiment, you can observe substrate concentrations that are >> $s_\text{0}$ (uncomment line 31 in the code below to fully see the effect). This is certainly not realistic, but shows you that the curvature of your data can change in this case.
# some preparations:
v0 = t.copy() # initialize the array, the values will be overwritten later
v1 = t.copy() # initialize the array, the values will be overwritten later
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
# This code is repeated again and again below.
# It is not put into a function to enable beginners in Python programming to understand what is happening.
for i, value in enumerate(t):
# print(i)
if i==0:
v0[i] = s0*Srt_schnell(value,Km,vmax)
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v0[i] + noise
for i, value in enumerate(t):
if i==0:
#using your E0 given above as input
v1[i] = s0*Srt_enzymeconcentrationdependent(value,E0,Km,vmax)
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v1[i] + noise
# plt.ylim(ymax = s0+(s0/10), ymin = 0-(s0/10))
# fixing the axis so that in case of very bad initial parameter choices we do not get confused by [S]>>[S0]
plt.scatter(t,v0,label="not taking [$E_0$] into account", facecolors='none', edgecolors='black',s=20)
plt.scatter(t,v1,label='using [$E_0$]={}'.format(E0), facecolors='none', edgecolors='yellow',s=20)
plt.title("A simulated time course experiment", fontsize=14)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.ylabel('[S] (\u03BC)')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
C:\Users\Gudrun\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\_asarray.py:138: ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)
Text(0.5, 0, 'time (s)')
If we now check if we fulfill the criteria by Stroberg and Schnell (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpc.2016.09.004), we see that there are some issues to deal with:
The $s_\text{0}$ must be within approximately an order of magnitude of the Michaelis constant.
TRUE: $s_\text{0}$ = 200 μM, $K_\text{m}$ = 100 μM
$E_\text{0}$/$K_\text{m}$ << 1
TRUE: $E_\text{0}$=25 -> 25/100 << 1
Data points should be collected around the time point where the time course curvature is at it highest.
FALSE: we need to sample better by reducing the stepsize for our list called "time".
$E_\text{0}$ must be smaller than $s_\text{0}$.
TRUE $E_\text{0}$ = 25 μM < $s_\text{0}$ = 200 μM
$E_\text{0}$ should be between 0.25 and 25 $K_\text{m}$.
you can try what happens if you adjust $E_\text{0}$, $s_\text{0}$ and $t$ in the code below. Make sure to adjust the units and info in the plot axes and legend.
t = list(range(0, 200)) # units: seconds (?)
# note: this line creates a list (array) filled with 100 elements, starting from 0 and ending with 100
s0 = 100 # units: μM (?)
E0 = 1 # units: μM (?)
# some preparations:
v0 = t.copy() # initialize the array, the values will be overwritten later
v1 = t.copy() # initialize the array, the values will be overwritten later
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
# This code is repeated again and again below.
# It is not put into a function to enable beginners in Python programming to understand what is happening.
for i, value in enumerate(t):
# print(i)
if i==0:
v0[i] = s0*Srt_schnell(value,Km,vmax)
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v0[i] + noise
for i, value in enumerate(t):
if i==0:
#using your E0 given above as input
v1[i] = s0*Srt_enzymeconcentrationdependent(value,E0,Km,vmax)
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v1[i] + noise
# plt.ylim(ymax = s0+(s0/10), ymin = 0-(s0/10))
#fixing the axis so that in case of very bad initial parameter choices we do not get confused
plt.scatter(t,v0,label="not taking [$E_0$] into account", facecolors='none', edgecolors='black',s=20)
plt.scatter(t,v1,label='using [$E_0$]={}'.format(E0), facecolors='none', edgecolors='yellow',s=20)
plt.title("Another simulated time course experiment", fontsize=14)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.ylabel('[S] (???)')
plt.xlabel('time (???)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'time (???)')