Written by G. Gygli.
Contact gudrun.gygli@kit.edu in case of questions.
Made available without any warranty under a CC-By license. This script uses Python 3
# Here, we import all the python packages we need to run this script.
# in the unlikely case they are not installed on your computer, this might help:
# https://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2017/12/05/installing-python-packages-from-jupyter/
# accessed 04.10.21
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# Michaelis-Menten equation as a function for easy use in the script
def michaelismenten_equation(S0,Km,vmax):
return vmax*(s/(Km+s)) #v0
# other equations to describe an enzyme reaction can be used by scripting these as functions
This script aims to help you design high-quality initial rate experiments. It uses the Michaelis-Menten equation to simulate data for an enzyme with unknown enzyme reaction parameters. Four steps are needed:
Input: estimates of $K_\text{m}$ and $v_\text{max}$ and indicate the enzyme concentration concentration you are planning to use.
If you have no estimates to give, try the experiment with the suggested initial values.
Input: estimates from 1. and 5 broadly spaced substrate concentrations.
Output: fake Michaelis-Menten plot for these parameters to obtain an intial first guess of $K_\text{m}$
Input: estimates from 1. and 10 better spaced substrate concentrations to obtain an intial first guess of $K_\text{m}$.
Output: fake Michaelis-Menten plot for these parameters to obtain a better guess of $K_\text{m}$
Input: estimates from 1. and 10 perfectly spaced substrate concentrations to obtain an intial first guess of $K_\text{m}$.
Output: fake Michaelis-Menten plot for these parameters to obtain $K_\text{m}$ and $v_\text{max}$ values
Here, you can give an estimate of the enzyme reaction parameters $K_\text{m}$ and $v_\text{max}$. These parameters are needed to model data using the Michaelis-Menten equation, and can be adjusted as you progress with your experiments.
vmax = 100 # units: μM/s, initial value: 100
Km = 100 # units: μM, initial value: 100
# we will be using a randon noise generator to include some variation in our simulated data
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
# noiselevelMM controls how "noisy" your fake data will be, but it has not real meaning for your actual experiment.
noiselevelMM = 1 # initial value: 1
Give the 5 widely spaced concentrations of substrate you want to use for this first-round experiment. 3 Options are given to show you what happens if different S0 are chosen. Uncomment and comment the different lines of code.
# 1.
S0 = [0,0.01,1,100,1000,1000000] # units: μM, initial values: [0.01,1,100,1000,1000000]
# 2. all S0 below Km
#S0 = [0.01,1,20,50,80] # units: μM, initial values: [0.01,1,20,50,80]
# 3. all S0 above Km
#S0 = [300,500,1000,5000,10000] # units: μM, initial values: [300,500,1000,5000,10000]
S0 = np.round(S0, 2) #round the substrate concentrations to 2 digits
Now, run all the code below to see what data you can expect to obtain for the $S_\text{0}$, $v_\text{max}$ and $K_\text{m}$ you gave.
This is where the data are simulated and plotted. Depending on how the plot looks, you may want to adjust $S_\text{0}$.
Note that kcat only influences the scale of the y-axis.
In this zero-round experiment, you will NOT get "nice looking" data, but data that helps you to adjust the substrate concentrations S0 so that you can plan the first-round experiment. Try the different options above (Ln 4) to see how they influence the plot you get.
# some preparations:
v0 = S0.copy() # initialize the array, the values will be overwritten
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
# This code is repeated again and again below.
# It is not put into a function to enable beginners in Python programming to understand what is happening.
for i,s in enumerate(S0):
v0[i] = michaelismenten_equation(s,Km,vmax)
#adding some artificial, random noise
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v0[i] + noise
# add some annotations to the plot
plt.vlines(Km, 0, vmax/2, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
plt.hlines(vmax/2, S0[-1], Km, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
bbox=dict(facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
plt.title("A simulated zero-round experiment", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('rates (\u03BC/s)')
plt.xlabel('[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Text(0.5, 0, '[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Now that we have a better idea of our Km, we can adjust the S0 to enable a better fit of the data with the Michaelis-Menten equation. The lowest S0 should be at least 10x lower than Km and the highest S0 at least 10x higher than Km, with 6 concentrations below and 4 above Km.
Here follows an example of how data look if S0 are badly chosen. The initial values given were chosen too closely together.
S0 = [Km/5,Km/4,Km/3,Km/2,Km, Km*2,Km*3]
# μM, initial values: [Km/5,Km/4,Km/3,Km/2,Km,Km*2,Km*3]
S0 = np.round(S0, 2) #round the substrate concentrations to 2 digits
v0 = S0.copy() #initialize the array, the values will be overwritten
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
for s in S0:
v0[i] = michaelismenten_equation(s,Km,vmax)
#adding some artificial, random noise
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v0[i] + noise
# add some annotations to the plot
plt.vlines(Km, 0, vmax/2, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
plt.hlines(vmax/2, S0[-1], Km, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
plt.title("A simulated bad first-round experiment", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('rates (\u03BC/s)')
plt.xlabel('[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Text(0.5, 0, '[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Here follows an example of how data look if S0 are well chosen. You will see that there is still room for improvement though.
S0 = [Km/20,Km/15,Km/5,Km/3,Km/2,Km/1.1, Km*2,Km*9,Km*10,Km*20]
# μM, initial values: [Km/20,Km/15,Km/5,Km/3,Km/2,Km/1.1, Km*2,Km*9,Km*10,Km*20]
S0 = np.round(S0, 2) #round the substrate concentrations to 2 digits
v0 = S0.copy() #initialize the array, the values will be overwritten
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
for s in S0:
v0[i] = michaelismenten_equation(s,Km,vmax)
#adding some artificial, random noise
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v0[i] + noise
# add some annotations to the plot
plt.vlines(Km, 0, vmax/2, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
plt.hlines(vmax/2, S0[-1], Km, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
plt.title("A simulated good first-round experiment", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('rates (\u03BC/s)')
plt.xlabel('[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Text(0.5, 0, '[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Now that we have a much better idea of our Km and how the data look like, we can adjust the S0 to enable a better fit of the data with the Michaelis-Menten equation. The lowest S0 should be at least 10x lower than Km and the highest S0 at least 10x higher than Km, with 6 concentrations below and 4 above Km.
S0 = [0,Km/20,Km/10,Km/5,Km/2.5,Km/2,Km/1.2,Km*2.5,Km*5,Km*10,Km*20]
# μM, initial values: [Km/20,Km/10,Km/5,Km/3,Km/2,Km/1.1,Km*2,Km*5,Km*10,Km*20]
S0 = np.round(S0, 2) #round the substrate concentrations to 2 digits
v0 = S0.copy() #initialize the array, the values will be overwritten
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
for s in S0:
v0[i] = michaelismenten_equation(s,Km,vmax)
#adding some artificial, random noise
noise = noiselevelMM*(np.random.random(1)-0.5)
data_random = v0[i] + noise
# add some annotations to the plot
plt.vlines(Km, 0, vmax/2, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
plt.hlines(vmax/2, S0[-1], Km, colors="red", linestyles='dashed')
bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='red', boxstyle='round'))
plt.title("A simulated gold-round experiment", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('rates (\u03BC/s)')
plt.xlabel('[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Text(0.5, 0, '[$S_{0}$] (μM)')
Simulated raw data are shown for the gold-round experiment.
# function for linear fit
def linear(x,a,b):
return x*a+b
An example with little noise and 10 datapoints:
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
time = np.arange(1, 20, 2) # initial values: (1, 20, 2): Start = 1, Stop = 20, Step Size = 2
# get fake time data, at least 10 datapoints to enable a good fit
# noiselevelL controls how "noisy" your fake data will be.
noiselevelL = 100 #initial value: 100
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
for s in S0:
v0 = michaelismenten_equation(s,Km,vmax)
data = linear(time,v0,0.001)
#adding some artificial, random noise
noise = noiselevelL*(np.random.random(len(time))-0.5)
data_random = data + noise
popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, time, data_random)
rate = popt[0]
b = popt[1]
plt.plot(time, linear(time,rate,b))
plt.legend(S0, title="[$S_{0}$] in μM ", loc="upper left", fontsize='small', fancybox=True)
plt.title("Good quality simulated linear fits of initial rates", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('fake abs') # these values are absolutely fake!
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'time (s)')
But if the noise increases, the fit with only 10 datapoints looks nasty:
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
# try this:
time = np.arange(1, 20, 2) # initial values: (1, 20, 2): Start = 1, Stop = 20, Step Size = 2
noiselevelL = 1000 #initial value: 1000
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
for s in S0:
v0 = michaelismenten_equation(s,Km,vmax)
data = linear(time,v0,0.001)
#adding some artificial, random noise
noise = noiselevelL*(np.random.random(len(time))-0.5)
data_random = data + noise
popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, time, data_random)
rate = popt[0]
b = popt[1]
plt.plot(time, linear(time,rate,b))
plt.legend(S0, title="[$S_{0}$] in μM ", loc="upper left", fontsize='small', fancybox=True)
plt.title("Bad quality simulated linear fits of initial rates", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('fake abs') # these values are absolutely fake!
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'time (s)')
So it is a good idea to increase the number of datapoints,
i.e. measuring more frequently or increasing the time of the measurement.
# fixing the seed for the random noise generation to always get the same result.
# comment this line if you want to always get different data.
np.random.seed(1) # initial value: 1
# .... and this:
time = np.arange(1, 200, 2) # initial values: (1, 200, 2): Start = 1, Stop = 200, Step Size = 2
noiselevelL = 1000 #initial value: 1000
#create a figure with satisfactory dimensions and resolution:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5,3], dpi=500)
for s in S0:
v0 = michaelismenten_equation(s,Km,vmax)
data = linear(time,v0,0.001)
#adding some artificial, random noise
noise = noiselevelL*(np.random.random(len(time))-0.5)
data_random = data + noise
popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, time, data_random)
rate = popt[0]
b = popt[1]
plt.plot(time, linear(time,rate,b))
plt.legend(S0, title="[$S_{0}$] in μM ", loc="upper left", fontsize='small', fancybox=True)
plt.title("Good quality simulated linear fits of initial rates", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('fake abs') # these values are absolutely fake!
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'time (s)')