## Imports
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import scipy
from scipy import linalg
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import random
from numpy.random import seed
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from functools import partial
import colorsys
import quadprog
import cvxopt
import math
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from scipy.optimize import *
# s is the number of computed moments and there is one moment for every time-step
def distr2moms1D(CMESol,s):
moms = np.zeros((s,CMESol.shape[1]))
for t in range(CMESol.shape[1]):
for i in range(CMESol.shape[0]):
moms[0,t] += i*CMESol[i,t]
for i in range(CMESol.shape[0]):
for m in range(1,s):
moms[m,t] += CMESol[i,t]*(i-moms[0,t])**(m+1)
return moms
def moms2distr1D(moms):
distr = np.zeros((moms.shape[0]+1,moms.shape[1]))
A = np.zeros((moms.shape[0]+1, moms.shape[0]+1))
b = np.ones(moms.shape[0]+1)
for t in range(moms.shape[1]):
for i in range(moms.shape[0]+1):
A[0,i] = 1
A[1,i] = i
for j in range(2,moms.shape[0]+1):
A[j,i] = (i-moms[0,t])**j
for i in range(1,moms.shape[0]+1):
b[i] = moms[i-1,t]
distr[:,t] = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
return A,distr
## Perform Quasi-Entropic Closure and Entropic Closure in a compareable manner
# Idea slightly different than for separate approaches: Choose Reconstruction Method and use equivalent Moment Extraction
def distrReconstruction(extendedMoms, numStates, closureMethod, optMethod):
numMoments4Closure = extendedMoms.shape[0] - 1
bounds = Bounds(np.zeros(numStates), np.ones(numStates))
# Return all Equality constraints as a function
def eqConstraintFunction(x, extendedMoms, numStates):
numMoments4Closure = extendedMoms.shape[0] - 1
# collect all equality constraints
equalityConstraintsArray = np.zeros(1+numMoments4Closure)
# norm criterion probSum -1 = 0
equalityConstraintsArray[0] = np.sum(x) - extendedMoms[0]
for i in range(1,1+numMoments4Closure):
if (i == 1): # criterion to meet expected value
equalityConstraintsArray[1] = np.sum(x*np.linspace(0,numStates-1,numStates)) - extendedMoms[1]
else: # criterion for higher order centered moments (skewness, curtosis, ect...)
equalityConstraintsArray[i] = np.sum(x*np.power((np.linspace(0,numStates-1,numStates) - extendedMoms[1]),i)) - extendedMoms[i]
return equalityConstraintsArray
eq_cons = {'type': 'eq',
'fun' : partial(eqConstraintFunction, extendedMoms = extendedMoms, numStates = numStates)}
ineq_cons = {'type': 'ineq',
'fun' : lambda x: x}
if (szenarioName == "szenariosMany"):
numIterations = 250
elif (szenarioName == "szenariosFew"):
numIterations = 25
print("Invalid Szenario!")
if (closureMethod == "Entropy"):
def optFunction(x):
return np.sum(x*np.log(x))
elif (closureMethod == "QuasiEntropy"):
def optFunction(x):
n = x.shape[0]
return np.sum(np.power((1/n-x),2))
else: print("Invalid Closure Type!")
xInit = np.ones(numStates)/numStates
optResult = minimize(optFunction, xInit, method=optMethod, constraints=[eq_cons, ineq_cons], bounds=bounds, options={'maxiter': numIterations})
reconstructedDistr = optResult.x
return reconstructedDistr
def calcClosureMomentfromReconstructedDistr(reconstructedDistr, extendedMoms):
numStates = reconstructedDistr.shape[0]
matrixReconstructedDistr = np.zeros((numStates,1))
matrixReconstructedDistr[:,0] = reconstructedDistr
reconstructedMoms = distr2moms1D(matrixReconstructedDistr, extendedMoms.shape[0])
# calculate the discrepancy between the moments of the reconstructed distribution and the objective moments given by extendedMoms
# Version with absolute errors
momentDiscrepancy = np.sum(np.power((extendedMoms[1:]-reconstructedMoms[:extendedMoms.shape[0]-1,0]),2))
# Version with relative errors
#momentDiscrepancy = np.sum(np.power((extendedMoms[1:]-reconstructedMoms[:extendedMoms.shape[0]-1,0])/extendedMoms[1:],2))
return reconstructedMoms[-1], momentDiscrepancy
## Functions for the CME Solution
# Some propensities of unphysical states are included even though they are negative
# This should not be a problem since they can not be reached
def state2index(state, maxStateValues):
index = 0
for d in range(state.shape[0]):
index += state[d]*np.prod(maxStateValues[0:d]+1)
return int(index)
def index2state(index, maxStateValues, dim):
tempIndex = index
state = np.zeros(dim)
for d in range(dim-1,-1,-1):
state[d] = np.floor_divide(tempIndex, np.prod(maxStateValues[0:d]+1))
tempIndex = np.mod(tempIndex, np.prod(maxStateValues[0:d]+1))
return state
def constructCMEMatrix(V, propensitiesGetter, k, maxStateValues):
CMEMatrix = np.zeros((np.prod(maxStateValues+1), np.prod(maxStateValues+1)))
for index in range(np.prod(maxStateValues+1)):
state = index2state(index, maxStateValues, V.shape[0])
props = propensitiesGetter(state, k)
for reac in range(V.shape[1]):
destinationState = state + V[:,reac]
if (np.all(destinationState <= maxStateValues) and np.all(destinationState >= 0)):
destinationIndex = state2index(destinationState, maxStateValues)
CMEMatrix[destinationIndex,index] += props[reac]
CMEMatrix[index,index] -= props[reac]
return CMEMatrix
def solveCMENum(initState, tEnd, V, propensitiesGetter, k, maxStateValues):
CMEMatrix = constructCMEMatrix(V, propensitiesGetter, k, maxStateValues)
pInitIndex = np.zeros(np.prod(maxStateValues+1))
pInitIndex[state2index(initState, maxStateValues)] = 1.0
pEndIndex = scipy.linalg.expm(CMEMatrix*tEnd).dot(pInitIndex)
return pEndIndex
def solveSystem(initState, numStates, numTimeSteps, timeStepLength, V, propensitiesGetter, k, maxStateValues):
CMESol = np.zeros((numStates,numTimeSteps))
for tIndex in range(numTimeSteps):
CMESol[:,tIndex] = solveCMENum(initState, timeStepLength*tIndex, V, propensitiesGetter, k, maxStateValues)
def rhs(t,X,k):
propensities = propensitiesGetter(X,k)
result = np.zeros(X.shape)
for r in range(V.shape[1]):
result += V[:,r]*propensities[r]
return result
RRESol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(partial(rhs,k = k), (0,(numTimeSteps-1)*timeStepLength), initState, method='RK45')
#plotCMEnRREResults(CMESol,RRESol.y, RRESol.t, numStates, numTimeSteps, timeStepLength, maxStateValues)
return CMESol, RRESol
def momentRHSSystem(t, x, maxOrder, numStates, k, closureMethod, optMethod, systemID):
global reconstructionDuration
global reconstructionAccuracy
global reconstructionTime
global reconstructions
extendedMoms = np.append(1.0, x)
## Choose Moment Closure Method
if (closureMethod == "Zero"):
extendedMoms = np.append(extendedMoms, np.array([0.0]))
start = timer()
reconstructedDistr = distrReconstruction(extendedMoms, numStates, closureMethod, optMethod)
end = timer()
reconstructions = np.vstack((reconstructions,reconstructedDistr))
closureMoment, momentDiscrepancy = calcClosureMomentfromReconstructedDistr(reconstructedDistr, extendedMoms)
extendedMoms = np.append(extendedMoms, np.array([closureMoment]))
reconstructionDuration = np.append(reconstructionDuration, end-start)
reconstructionAccuracy = np.append(reconstructionAccuracy, momentDiscrepancy)
reconstructionTime = np.append(reconstructionTime, t)
#print("Time: " + str(t))
#print("Reconstruction Duration: " + str(end-start))
#print("Reconstruction Accuracy: " + str(momentDiscrepancy))
# System 1: 0 -> A; 2A -> 0
if (systemID == 1):
for e in range(1,maxOrder+1):
for j in range (1, e+1):
summe=summe+int(e-j!=1)*k[0]*scipy.special.comb(e, j)*extendedMoms[e-j]+math.pow(-1,j)*scipy.special.comb(e, j)*math.pow(2, j)*(int(e-j!=1)*k[1]*extendedMoms[1]*(extendedMoms[1]-1)*extendedMoms[e-j]+int(e-j!=0)*k[1]*(2*extendedMoms[1]-1)*extendedMoms[e-j+1]+k[1]*extendedMoms[e-j+2])
return m
# System 2: A+B -> 2A; A+B -> 2B
elif (systemID == 2):
for e in range(1,maxOrder+1):
for j in range (1, e+1):
summe=summe+(k[1]+(-1)**j*k[0])*scipy.special.comb(e, j)*(int(e-j!=1)*extendedMoms[1]*((numStates-1)-extendedMoms[1])*extendedMoms[e-j]+int(e-j!=0)*(-2*extendedMoms[1]+numStates-1)*extendedMoms[e-j+1]-extendedMoms[e-j+2])
# System 3: 2A -> B; B -> 2A
elif (systemID == 3):
for e in range(1, maxOrder+1):
summe = 0.0
for j in range(1, e+1):
summe = summe + scipy.special.comb(e, j)*2**j*((-1)**j*(int(e-j!=1)*k[0]*extendedMoms[1]*(extendedMoms[1]-1)*extendedMoms[e-j] + int(e-j!=0)*k[0]*(2*extendedMoms[1]-1)*extendedMoms[e-j+1] + int(e-j!=-1)*k[0]*extendedMoms[e-j+2]) + int(e-j!=1)*0.5*k[1]*(numStates-1-extendedMoms[1])*extendedMoms[e-j] - 0.5*int(e-j!=0)*k[1]*extendedMoms[e-j+1])
summe = summe + 2*e*int(e>=3)*extendedMoms[e-1]*(k[0]*(extendedMoms[1]*(extendedMoms[1]-1) + extendedMoms[2]) - 0.5*k[1]*(numStates-1-extendedMoms[1]))
return m
def runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,solMethod, optMethod):
global reconstructionDuration
global reconstructionAccuracy
global reconstructionTime
global reconstructions
reconstructionDuration = np.array([0])
reconstructionAccuracy = np.array([0])
reconstructionTime = np.array([0])
reconstructions = np.zeros((1,numStates))
maxStateValues = np.array([numStates-1])
initMoms = np.zeros(numMoments4Closure)
initMoms[0] = initState
# System 1: 0 -> A; 2A -> 0
if (systemID == 1):
V = np.array([[1,-2]])
def propensitiesGetter(X,k):
return np.array([k[0],
# System 2: A+B -> 2B; A+B -> 2A
elif (systemID == 2):
V = np.array([[-1,1]])
def propensitiesGetter(X,k):
return np.array([X[0]*(maxStateValues[0]-X[0])*k[0],
# System 3: 2A -> B; B -> 2A
elif (systemID == 3):
V = np.array([[-2,2]])
def propensitiesGetter(X,k):
return np.array([X[0]*(X[0]-1)*k[0],
if (solMethod == "CME"):
sol,_ = solveSystem(initState, numStates, numTimeSteps, timeStepLength, V, propensitiesGetter, k, maxStateValues)
elif (solMethod == "QuasiEntropy"):
arguments = (numMoments4Closure, numStates, k, "QuasiEntropy", optMethod, systemID)
sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(lambda t, x: momentRHSSystem(t, x, *arguments), (0,(numTimeSteps-1)*timeStepLength), initMoms, method="RK45",)
elif (solMethod == "Entropy"):
arguments = (numMoments4Closure, numStates, k, "Entropy", optMethod, systemID)
sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(lambda t, x: momentRHSSystem(t, x, *arguments), (0,(numTimeSteps-1)*timeStepLength), initMoms, method="RK45",)
elif (solMethod == "Zero"):
arguments = (numMoments4Closure, numStates, k, "Zero", optMethod, systemID)
sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(lambda t, x: momentRHSSystem(t, x, *arguments), (0,(numTimeSteps-1)*timeStepLength), initMoms, method="RK45")
print("Invalid Solution Method")
return sol, reconstructionDuration, reconstructionAccuracy, reconstructionTime, np.transpose(reconstructions)
def visInequalities(mean, var, maxValue):
f = plt.figure()
x = np.linspace(0,maxValue,1000)
xleft = np.linspace(0,mean,1000)
xright = np.linspace(mean,maxValue,1000)
plt.plot(x,1-mean/x, color = [0.8,0,0],linewidth = 3.0, label = "Markov")
plt.plot(x, (maxValue-mean)/(maxValue-x), color = [0.8,0,0],linewidth = 3.0)
plt.plot(xright,1-var/np.power((xright-mean),2), color = [0,0,0.8],linewidth = 3.0, label = "Chebychev")
plt.plot(xleft,var/np.power(mean-xleft,2), color = [0,0,0.8],linewidth = 3.0)
plt.fill_between(x, 1-mean/x, np.zeros(1000), color=[0.8,0,0], alpha=0.3)
plt.fill_between(x, (maxValue-mean)/(maxValue-x), np.ones(1000), color=[0.8,0,0], alpha=0.3)
plt.fill_between(xright, 1-var/np.power((xright-mean),2), np.zeros(1000), color=[0,0,0.8], alpha=0.3)
plt.fill_between(xleft, var/np.power(mean-xleft,2), np.ones(1000), color=[0,0,0.8], alpha=0.3)
plt.title(r"Bounds for $F_X$")
# check if there exists a distribution on the support [0,numStates-1] with the provided moments
# returns a vector with one entry for each moment inequality
def checkMomentFeasibility(moments, numStates):
c = numStates-1
E = moments[0]
feas = np.ones(moments.shape[0])
if ((E < 0) or (E > c)):
feas[0] = 0
if (moments.shape[0] > 1):
V = moments[1]
if ((V > c*E - E**2) or (V < 0)):
feas[1] = 0
if (moments.shape[0] > 2):
S = moments[2]
if ((S > (c-3*E)*(V+E**2) + 2*E**3) or (S < -(c-3*E)*(V+E**2) - 2*E**3)):
feas[2] = 0
if (moments.shape[0] > 3):
C = moments[3]
if ((C > (c-4*E)*(S-2*E**3) + ((c-4*E)*3*E + 6*E**2)*(V+E**2) - 3*E**4) or (C < 0)):
feas[3] = 0
return feas
def plotMomentTimelines(solEy, solQy, solZy, solEt, solQt, solZt, momsC):
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 13})
colormapE = np.array([colorEInFeas, colorE])
colormapQ = np.array([colorQInFeas, colorQ])
feasArrayE = np.zeros((solEy.shape[0], solEy.shape[1]), dtype = "int")
feasArrayQ = np.zeros((solQy.shape[0], solQy.shape[1]), dtype = "int")
for i in range(solEy.shape[1]):
feasArrayE[:,i] = checkMomentFeasibility(solEy[:,i], numStates)
for i in range(solQy.shape[1]):
feasArrayQ[:,i] = checkMomentFeasibility(solQy[:,i], numStates)
momentNames = [r"Mean $\mathbb{E}$", r"Variance $\mathbb{V}$", r"Skewness $\mathbb{S}$", r"Curtosis $\mathbb{C}$"]
numXTicks = [6,5,3,2]
for i in range(momsC.shape[0]):
f = plt.figure()
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,timeStepLength*numTimeSteps,numTimeSteps),momsC[i,:], color = colorC,linewidth = 3.0, label = "CME")
#plt.plot(solZt, solZy[i,:], color = colorZ,linewidth = 3.0, label = "Zero")
plt.plot(solEt, solEy[i,:], color = colorE,linewidth = 1.0, label = "Entropy")
plt.plot(solQt, solQy[i,:], color = colorQ,linewidth = 1.0, label = "Quasi-Entropy")
plt.scatter(solEt, solEy[i,:], color = colormapE[feasArrayE[i,:]], linewidth = 1.0)
plt.scatter(solQt, solQy[i,:], color = colormapQ[feasArrayQ[i,:]], linewidth = 1.0)
#if (i == 0):
#plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0), loc='upper left',ncol=4)
#plt.xlabel(r"time $t$")
#plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='off', right='off', left='off', labelleft='off')
plt.axis([-0.05*(numTimeSteps*timeStepLength), 1.05*(numTimeSteps*timeStepLength), 0, np.amax(momsC[i,:]) + 0.4*(np.amax(momsC[i,:])-np.amin(momsC[i,:]))])
#plt.axis([-0.05*(numTimeSteps*timeStepLength), 1.05*(numTimeSteps*timeStepLength), np.amin(momsC[i,:])-0.2*(np.amax(momsC[i,:])-np.amin(momsC[i,:])), np.amax(momsC[i,:]) + 0.4*(np.amax(momsC[i,:])-np.amin(momsC[i,:]))])
def plotReconstructionStats(reconstructionTimeQ, reconstructionTimeE, reconstructionAccuracyQ, reconstructionAccuracyE, reconstructionDurationQ, reconstructionDurationE):
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 13})
# delete the first netry that is 0 anyway
reconstructionTimeQ = reconstructionTimeQ[1:]
reconstructionTimeE = reconstructionTimeE[1:]
reconstructionAccuracyQ = reconstructionAccuracyQ[1:]
reconstructionAccuracyE = reconstructionAccuracyE[1:]
reconstructionDurationQ = reconstructionDurationQ[1:]
reconstructionDurationE = reconstructionDurationE[1:]
f = plt.figure()
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.scatter(reconstructionTimeQ, np.log10(reconstructionAccuracyQ), color = colorQ, s = 20, label = "Quasi-Entropy")
plt.scatter(reconstructionTimeE, np.log10(reconstructionAccuracyE), color = colorE, s = 20, label = "Entropy")
plt.title("Reconstruction Accuracy")
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.scatter(reconstructionTimeQ, np.log10(reconstructionDurationQ), color = colorQ, s = 20, label = "Quasi-Entropy")
plt.scatter(reconstructionTimeE, np.log10(reconstructionDurationE), color = colorE, s = 20, label = "Entropy")
plt.title("Reconstruction Duration")
logMinReconstrDur = min(np.amin(np.log10(reconstructionDurationQ)), np.amin(np.log10(reconstructionDurationE)))
logMaxReconstrDur = max(np.amax(np.log10(reconstructionDurationQ)), np.amax(np.log10(reconstructionDurationE)))
f = plt.figure()
plt.hist(np.log10(reconstructionDurationQ), bins = np.linspace(logMinReconstrDur-np.power(10.0,-10), logMaxReconstrDur+np.power(10.0,-10),60), color = colorQ, label = "Quasi-Entropy")
plt.hist(np.log10(reconstructionDurationE), bins = np.linspace(logMinReconstrDur-np.power(10.0,-10), logMaxReconstrDur+np.power(10.0,-10),60), color = colorE, label = "Entropy")
plt.xticks([-2,-1.5,-1,-0.5,0], [r"$10^{-2}$", r"$10^{-1.5}$", r"$10^{-1}$", r"$10^{-0.5}$", r"$10^{0}$"])
#plt.title(r"Duration of Single Distr. Reconstruction")
#plt.ylabel(r"frequency $[1]$")
#plt.xlabel(r"duration $[s]$")
#plt.legend(loc = "upper center")
def plotReconstructions(reconstructionTimeE, reconstructionTimeQ, reconstructionTimeC, reconstructionsE, reconstructionsQ, reconstructionsC):
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 13})
f = plt.figure()
#f.suptitle("Reconstructions for Entropy and Quasi-Entropy Closure vs. CME Solution")
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
coarseGrid = np.linspace(0,reconstructionsE.shape[0]-1,reconstructionsE.shape[0])
fineGrid = np.linspace(0,reconstructionsE.shape[0]-1,reconstructionsE.shape[0]*100)
for i in range(reconstructionsE.shape[1]):
spline = scipy.interpolate.PchipInterpolator(coarseGrid,reconstructionsE[:,i])
plt.plot(fineGrid,spline(fineGrid), color=(1-reconstructionTimeE[i])*np.array(colorE),linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 1/10)
plt.fill_between(fineGrid, spline(fineGrid),0, color=(1-reconstructionTimeE[i])*np.array(colorE), alpha= 1/20)
#plt.ylabel(r"Probability $P(x)$")
#plt.xlabel(r"States $x$")
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
coarseGrid = np.linspace(0,reconstructionsQ.shape[0]-1,reconstructionsQ.shape[0])
fineGrid = np.linspace(0,reconstructionsQ.shape[0]-1,reconstructionsQ.shape[0]*100)
for i in range(reconstructionsQ.shape[1]):
spline = scipy.interpolate.PchipInterpolator(coarseGrid,reconstructionsQ[:,i])
plt.plot(fineGrid,spline(fineGrid), color=(1-reconstructionTimeQ[i])*np.array(colorQ),linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 1/10)
plt.fill_between(fineGrid, spline(fineGrid),0, color=(1-reconstructionTimeQ[i])*np.array(colorQ), alpha= 1/20)
#plt.xlabel(r"States $x$")
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
coarseGrid = np.linspace(0,reconstructionsC.shape[0]-1,reconstructionsC.shape[0])
fineGrid = np.linspace(0,reconstructionsC.shape[0]-1,reconstructionsC.shape[0]*100)
for i in range(reconstructionsC.shape[1]):
spline = scipy.interpolate.PchipInterpolator(coarseGrid,reconstructionsC[:,i])
plt.plot(fineGrid,spline(fineGrid), color = (1-reconstructionTimeC[i])*np.array(colorC),linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 1/2.5)
plt.fill_between(fineGrid, spline(fineGrid),0, color=(1-reconstructionTimeC[i])*np.array(colorC), alpha= 1/5)
#plt.xlabel(r"States $x$")
def parameterReturner(szenarioNumber):
if (szenarioNumber == 3):
systemID = 1
numMoments4Closure = 3
k = np.array([1.0,1.0])
return systemID, numMoments4Closure, k
elif (szenarioNumber == 4):
systemID = 2
numMoments4Closure = 2
k = np.array([2.25,1.0])
return systemID, numMoments4Closure, k
elif (szenarioNumber == 5):
systemID = 2
numMoments4Closure = 3
k = np.array([2.25,1.0])
return systemID, numMoments4Closure, k
elif (szenarioNumber == 9):
systemID = 3
numMoments4Closure = 3
k = np.array([1.0,2.0])
return systemID, numMoments4Closure, k
print("No Valid Szenario!")
return 0
def simulateSystem4DiffClosures(szenarioNumber, szenarioName):
print("Simulation " + str(szenarioNumber))
systemID, numMoments4Closure, k = parameterReturner(szenarioNumber)
solZ, reconstructionDurationZ, reconstructionAccuracyZ, reconstructionTimeZ, reconstructionsZ = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"Zero", "SLSQP")
print("Zero finished")
solQ, reconstructionDurationQ, reconstructionAccuracyQ, reconstructionTimeQ, reconstructionsQ = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"QuasiEntropy", "SLSQP")
print("QuasiEntropy finished")
solE, reconstructionDurationE, reconstructionAccuracyE, reconstructionTimeE, reconstructionsE = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"Entropy", "SLSQP")
print("Entropy finished")
solC, _,_,_,_ = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"CME", "SLSQP")
print("CME finished")
momsC = distr2moms1D(solC,numMoments4Closure)
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solZy" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", solZ.y, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solQy" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", solQ.y, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solEy" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", solE.y, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solC" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", solC, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solZt" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", solZ.t, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solQt" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", solQ.t, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solEt" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", solE.t, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/momsC" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", momsC, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionsQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionsQ, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionsE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionsE, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionTimeQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionTimeQ, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionTimeE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionTimeE, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionAccuracyQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionAccuracyQ, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionAccuracyE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionAccuracyE, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionDurationQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionDurationQ, delimiter = ",")
np.savetxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionDurationE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", reconstructionDurationE, delimiter = ",")
def plotSystem4DiffClosures(szenarioNumber, szenarioName):
solZy = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solZy" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
solQy = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solQy" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
solEy = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solEy" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
solC = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solC" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
solZt = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solZt" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
solQt = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solQt" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
solEt = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/solEt" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
momsC = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/momsC" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionsQ = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionsQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionsE = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionsE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionTimeQ = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionTimeQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionTimeE = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionTimeE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionAccuracyQ = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionAccuracyQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionAccuracyE = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionAccuracyE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionDurationQ = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionDurationQ" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
reconstructionDurationE = np.loadtxt(szenarioName + "/" + str(szenarioNumber) + "/reconstructionDurationE" + str(szenarioNumber) + ".csv", delimiter = ",")
plotMomentTimelines(solEy, solQy, solZy, solEt, solQt, solZt, momsC)
plotReconstructionStats(reconstructionTimeQ, reconstructionTimeE, reconstructionAccuracyQ, reconstructionAccuracyE, reconstructionDurationQ, reconstructionDurationE)
plotReconstructions(reconstructionTimeE, reconstructionTimeQ, np.linspace(0,timeStepLength*numTimeSteps,numTimeSteps), reconstructionsE, reconstructionsQ, solC)
timeStepLength = 0.01
initState = np.array([10])
numStates = 21
numTimeSteps = 100
colorC = (255/255, 192/255, 0/255,1.0)
colorZ = (80/255, 80/255, 80/255,1.0)
colorE = (0/255, 112/255, 192/255,1.0)
colorEInFeas = (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
colorQ = (192/255, 0/255, 0/255,1.0)
colorQInFeas = (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
szenarioNames = ["szenariosFew"]
for szenarioName in szenarioNames:
for i in [3]:
#simulateSystem4DiffClosures(i, szenarioName)
plotSystem4DiffClosures(i, szenarioName)
## Compare system runs with different closures
systemID = 1
timeStepLength = 0.01
initState = np.array([10])
numStates = 21
numMoments4Closure = 4
k = np.array([100.0,1.0])
numTimeSteps = 100
#solZ, reconstructionDurationZ, reconstructionAccuracyZ, reconstructionTimeZ, reconstructionsZ = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"Zero", "SLSQP")
#solQ, reconstructionDurationQ, reconstructionAccuracyQ, reconstructionTimeQ, reconstructionsQ = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"QuasiEntropy", "SLSQP")
#solE, reconstructionDurationE, reconstructionAccuracyE, reconstructionTimeE, reconstructionsE = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"Entropy", "SLSQP")
solC, _,_,_,_ = runSystem(systemID,numTimeSteps,timeStepLength,initState,numStates,numMoments4Closure,k,"CME", "SLSQP")
momsC = distr2moms1D(solC,numMoments4Closure)
moments = np.array([1,1,0,1.1])
checkMomentFeasibility(moments, 11)
plt.plot(solZ.y[0,:], alpha = np.random.rand(94))
def directDistrReconstruction(numStates, moments):
numMoments4Closure = moments.shape[0]
A = np.zeros((numMoments4Closure+1,numMoments4Closure+1))
b = np.zeros(numMoments4Closure+1)
# Normalization Criterion
b[0] = 0
A[0,0] = numStates
A[0,1] = numStates*(numStates-1)/2
for s in range(2,numMoments4Closure+1):
for i in range(numStates):
A[0,s] += np.power(i-moments[0],s)
# Expected Value Criterion
b[1] = moments[0]-(numStates-1)/2
A[1,0] = numStates*(numStates-1)/4
A[1,1] = numStates*(numStates+1)*(2*numStates+1)/12
for s in range(2,numMoments4Closure+1):
for i in range(numStates):
A[1,s] += i*np.power(i-moments[0],s)/2
# Higher Moment Criteria
for r in range(2,numMoments4Closure+1):
b[r] = moments[r-1]
for i in range(numStates):
b[r] -= np.power(i-moments[0],r)/numStates
A[r,0] += np.power(i-moments[0],r)/2
A[r,1] += np.power(i-moments[0],r)/2*i
for s in range(2,numMoments4Closure+1):
A[r,s] += np.power(i-moments[0],r+s)/2
lambdaVec = scipy.linalg.solve(A,b)
distr = np.ones(numStates)/numStates + lambdaVec[0]/2
for i in range(numStates):
distr[i] += lambdaVec[1]*i/2
for s in range(2,numMoments4Closure+1):
distr[i] += np.power(i-moments[0],s)/2*lambdaVec[s]
print("This should be the moments: ")
print("This are the moments: ")
matrixDistr = np.zeros((numStates,1))
matrixDistr[:,0] = distr
return distr
moments = np.array([5,10,15,20])
numStates = 11
l = directDistrReconstruction(numStates, moments)