The model reproduces Figures 4,5 and 6 of the publication. The analytical functions for cometabolites Catp, Camp, Cnadph, and Cnadp slightly differ from the equations given in the paper. These changes were made in consultation with Dr. Christophe Chassagnole and are essential for reproducing the figures. The dependency of the rate of change of extracellular glucose concentration on the ratio of biomass concentration to specific weight of biomass (Cx*rPTS/Rhox) is taken into account by appropriately adjusting the stoichiometries of the species involved in the phosphotransferase system (rPTS). The rmax values for the various reactions are obtained from experiments and are not provided in the paper. However, these were personally communicated to the JWS repository. The model has been successfully tested on MathSBML.

SBML level 2 code generated for the JWS Online project by Jacky Snoep using PySCeS
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To cite JWS Online please refer to: Olivier, B.G. and Snoep, J.L. (2004) Web-based modelling using JWS Online, Bioinformatics, 20:2143-2144

This model originates from BioModels Database: A Database of Annotated Published Models ( It is copyright (c) 2005-2010 The Team.
For more information see the terms of use.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: Li C, Donizelli M, Rodriguez N, Dharuri H, Endler L, Chelliah V, Li L, He E, Henry A, Stefan MI, Snoep JL, Hucka M, Le Novère N, Laibe C (2010) BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models. BMC Syst Biol., 4:92.

Snoep Jacky L Stellenbosh University Dharuri Harish California Institute of Technology 2006-01-18T22:51:54Z 2010-02-02T17:17:40Z 4.27 4.163 t 0.657 1.43 t 0.0364 t 2 0.582 1.73 2.731 -0.15 t 0.12 t 0.000214 t 3 0.123 7.25 t 7.25 1.47 t 0.17 t 2 1.073 1.29 8.05 t 0.062 0.332 2.718 -0.464 t 0.0166 t 1.58 0.000166 t 4.73 0.1312 10 -9 t 7.89 0.1362 10 -12 t 11 0.1233 10 -15 t 14.2 0.159 0.00554 t 2.8 0.271 t 0.01 t 2 0.182 4.82 0.526 t 0.0934 0.00111 2.371 -0.123 t 0.844 t 0.104 t 3 1.314 1.314 2.73 -0.0435 t 0.342 t 7.871 2.73 -0.0218 t 0.171 8.481 t extracellular rmaxPTS cglcex cpep cpyr KPTSa1 KPTSa2 cpep cpyr KPTSa3 cglcex cglcex cpep cpyr 1 cg6p nPTSg6p KPTSg6p cytosol rmaxPGI cg6p cf6p KPGIeq KPGIg6p 1 cf6p KPGIf6p 1 cpg KPGIf6ppginh cpg KPGIg6ppginh cg6p cytosol rmaxPGM cg6p cg1p KPGMeq KPGMg6p 1 cg1p KPGMg1p cg6p cytosol rmaxG6PDH cg6p cnadp cg6p KG6PDHg6p 1 cnadph KG6PDHnadphg6pinh KG6PDHnadp 1 cnadph KG6PDHnadphnadpinh cnadp cytosol rmaxPFK catp cf6p catp KPFKatps 1 cadp KPFKadpc cf6p KPFKf6ps 1 cpep KPFKpep cadp KPFKadpb camp KPFKampb 1 cadp KPFKadpa camp KPFKampa 1 LPFK 1 cf6p 1 cadp KPFKadpa camp KPFKampa KPFKf6ps 1 cpep KPFKpep cadp KPFKadpb camp KPFKampb nPFK cytosol rmaxTA cgap csed7p ce4p cf6p KTAeq cytosol rmaxTKa crib5p cxyl5p csed7p cgap KTKaeq cytosol rmaxTKb cxyl5p ce4p cf6p cgap KTKbeq cytosol rmaxMurSynth cytosol rmaxALDO cfdp cgap cdhap kALDOeq kALDOfdp cfdp kALDOgap cdhap kALDOeq VALDOblf kALDOdhap cgap kALDOeq VALDOblf cfdp cgap kALDOgapinh cgap cdhap VALDOblf kALDOeq cytosol rmaxGAPDH cgap cnad cpgp cnadh KGAPDHeq KGAPDHgap 1 cpgp KGAPDHpgp cgap KGAPDHnad 1 cnadh KGAPDHnadh cnad cytosol rmaxTIS cdhap cgap kTISeq kTISdhap 1 cgap kTISgap cdhap cytosol rmaxTrpSynth cytosol rmaxG3PDH cdhap KG3PDHdhap cdhap cytosol rmaxPGK cadp cpgp catp cpg3 KPGKeq KPGKadp 1 catp KPGKatp cadp KPGKpgp 1 cpg3 KPGKpg3 cpgp cytosol rmaxSerSynth cpg3 KSerSynthpg3 cpg3 cytosol rmaxPGluMu cpg3 cpg2 KPGluMueq KPGluMupg3 1 cpg2 KPGluMupg2 cpg3 cytosol rmaxENO cpg2 cpep KENOeq KENOpg2 1 cpep KENOpep cpg2 cytosol rmaxPK cpep cpep KPKpep 1 nPK 1 cadp KPKpep LPK 1 catp KPKatp cfdp KPKfdp camp KPKamp 1 nPK cpep KPKpep 1 nPK cadp KPKadp cytosol rmaxpepCxylase cpep 1 cfdp KpepCxylasefdp npepCxylasefdp KpepCxylasepep cpep cytosol rmaxSynth1 cpep KSynth1pep cpep cytosol rmaxSynth2 cpyr KSynth2pyr cpyr cytosol rmaxDAHPS ce4p nDAHPSe4p cpep nDAHPSpep KDAHPSe4p ce4p nDAHPSe4p KDAHPSpep cpep nDAHPSpep cytosol rmaxPDH cpyr nPDH KPDHpyr cpyr nPDH cytosol rmaxMetSynth cytosol rmaxPGDH cpg cnadp cpg KPGDHpg cnadp KPGDHnadp 1 cnadph KPGDHnadphinh 1 catp KPGDHatpinh cytosol rmaxR5PI cribu5p crib5p KR5PIeq cytosol rmaxRu5P cribu5p cxyl5p KRu5Peq cytosol rmaxRPPK crib5p KRPPKrib5p crib5p cytosol rmaxG1PAT cg1p catp 1 cfdp KG1PATfdp nG1PATfdp KG1PATatp catp KG1PATg1p cg1p cytosol mu cg6p cytosol mu cf6p cytosol mu cfdp cytosol mu cgap cytosol mu cdhap cytosol mu cpgp cytosol mu cpg3 cytosol mu cpg2 cytosol mu cpep cytosol mu cribu5p cytosol mu crib5p cytosol mu cxyl5p cytosol mu csed7p cytosol mu cpyr cytosol mu cpg cytosol mu ce4p cytosol mu cg1p extracellular Dil cfeed cglcex