\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \begin{document} \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \caption{All statistics are based on contigs of size $\geq$ 200 bp, unless otherwise noted (e.g., "\# contigs ($\geq$ 0 bp)" and "Total length ($\geq$ 0 bp)" include all contigs).} \begin{tabular}{|l*{36}{|r}|} \hline Assembly & \# contigs ($\geq$ 0 bp) & \# contigs ($\geq$ 1000 bp) & \# contigs ($\geq$ 5000 bp) & \# contigs ($\geq$ 10000 bp) & \# contigs ($\geq$ 25000 bp) & \# contigs ($\geq$ 50000 bp) & Total length ($\geq$ 0 bp) & Total length ($\geq$ 1000 bp) & Total length ($\geq$ 5000 bp) & Total length ($\geq$ 10000 bp) & Total length ($\geq$ 25000 bp) & Total length ($\geq$ 50000 bp) & \# contigs & Largest contig & Total length & GC (\%) & N50 & N75 & L50 & L75 & \# total reads & \# left & \# right & Mapped (\%) & Properly paired (\%) & Avg. coverage depth & Coverage $\geq$ 1x (\%) & \# N's per 100 kbp & Complete BUSCO (\%) & Partial BUSCO (\%) & \# predicted genes (unique) & \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 0 bp) & \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 300 bp) & \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 1500 bp) & \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 3000 bp) & \# predicted rRNA genes \\ \hline spades & 937 & 116 & 39 & 33 & 31 & 24 & 5558245 & 5097133 & 4950764 & 4903760 & 4869458 & 4623497 & 933 & 490052 & 5557743 & 59.46 & 223393 & 88019 & 9 & 18 & 118812031 & 59370898 & 59370898 & 99.72 & 99.07 & 3188 & 100.0 & 0.00 & 99.32 & 0.00 & 5268 & 5024 + 244 part & 4502 + 222 part & 620 + 0 part & 61 + 0 part & 7 + 3 part \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \end{document}