\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \begin{document} \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \caption{All statistics are based on contigs of size $\geq$ 200 bp, unless otherwise noted (e.g., "\# contigs ($\geq$ 0 bp)" and "Total length ($\geq$ 0 bp)" include all contigs).} \begin{tabular}{|l*{1}{|r}|} \hline Assembly & spades \\ \hline \# contigs ($\geq$ 0 bp) & 245 \\ \hline \# contigs ($\geq$ 1000 bp) & 139 \\ \hline \# contigs ($\geq$ 5000 bp) & 60 \\ \hline \# contigs ($\geq$ 10000 bp) & 38 \\ \hline \# contigs ($\geq$ 25000 bp) & 27 \\ \hline \# contigs ($\geq$ 50000 bp) & 13 \\ \hline Total length ($\geq$ 0 bp) & 2541749 \\ \hline Total length ($\geq$ 1000 bp) & 2482734 \\ \hline Total length ($\geq$ 5000 bp) & 2317176 \\ \hline Total length ($\geq$ 10000 bp) & 2162610 \\ \hline Total length ($\geq$ 25000 bp) & 1981093 \\ \hline Total length ($\geq$ 50000 bp) & 1476297 \\ \hline \# contigs & 242 \\ \hline Largest contig & 256070 \\ \hline Total length & 2541371 \\ \hline GC (\%) & 34.97 \\ \hline N50 & 69806 \\ \hline N75 & 27770 \\ \hline L50 & 10 \\ \hline L75 & 25 \\ \hline \# total reads & 182073123 \\ \hline \# left & 91023201 \\ \hline \# right & 91023201 \\ \hline Mapped (\%) & 99.69 \\ \hline Properly paired (\%) & 98.29 \\ \hline Avg. coverage depth & 10684 \\ \hline Coverage $\geq$ 1x (\%) & 100.0 \\ \hline \# N's per 100 kbp & 0.00 \\ \hline Complete BUSCO (\%) & 97.30 \\ \hline Partial BUSCO (\%) & 0.00 \\ \hline \# predicted genes (unique) & 952 \\ \hline \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 0 bp) & 949 + 3 part \\ \hline \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 300 bp) & 900 + 3 part \\ \hline \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 1500 bp) & 346 + 0 part \\ \hline \# predicted genes ($\geq$ 3000 bp) & 88 + 0 part \\ \hline \# predicted rRNA genes & 7 + 0 part \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \end{document}